Tips Travel


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Never lose your boarding pass or flight details again

Never lose your boarding pass or flight details again
© Geargodz | Dreamstime

Do you travel a lot for business or pleasure? Navigating a busy airport is a nightmare, but it doesn’t always have to be.

Even if you arrive early, there are still lots of unexpected changes to deal with. Sometimes your plane switches gates at the last minute or there’s an extra-long line at the security check. Tap or click here to learn how to skip the security line at airports. The bottom line is flying isn’t always simple.

Thankfully, there’s an app that makes traveling a breeze. It can keep track of your flight information, boarding and landing times, real-time check-in waits and more. Here’s how it works.

App in the Air to the rescue

If you hate the drama that comes with travel, this is the app for you.

App in the Air was created to help make your flight as smooth as possible. It even lets you connect to other users for insider information, like where to find hidden places to charge your devices.

Just download the app and connect it to your email account. It records reservations from your calendar and mail, then displays information on upcoming flights.

Worried about the weather? Don’t be. App in the Air will keep you informed about the weather at your destination, too.

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With the app, you can check-in for your flight, record your expenses, learn about airport lounges and double-check baggage allowances.

Set up your profile and keep track of your upcoming and future trips, or connect to other users for traveler secrets like which coffee shops are open before your 5 a.m. flight.

If you’ve got several itineraries to keep track of, App in the Air helps you with its flight tracking feature. Earn frequent-flier miles? This app can help keep tabs on that info, too.

RELATED: Avoid these hidden fees the next time you travel

When you’re ready to book a flight, open up App in the Air. It shows you which flights are available and how much they cost, and you can book directly through the app.

It even works offline, so if your gate changes at the last minute you’ll still receive notifications to your smartphone.

All these great features are free for both iOS and Android, so download App in the Air today to make tomorrow’s trip easier to handle.

Tags: airport, Android, app, download, hidden fees, iPhone, notifications, security, smartphone, travel, weather