Tips Travel


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To fly BarkAir. The dog-first airline sounds like a joke, but it’s totally real. It’s a private charter where you and your best friend are treated like royalty. Routes are super limited, but you can request one if you and the pup need a getaway. Hmm … How do I get them to sponsor Abby and me?

Tags: airline, Best, dog, friend, i, Private, Real, routes, sounds, sponsor

5 legit ways to make extra cash on your schedule

If you’re sitting on a pile of cash sipping mai tais in Bora Bora right now, congratulations (and where’s my invite?). For the rest of us, making a little extra money never hurts.

People ask me all the time for an easy way to rake in the dough. Do those exist? Yes and no. 

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How to keep your smartphone working for years

Many new phones from Google, Samsung and Apple now come with seven years of security fixes and software updates. Just a few years ago, you were lucky to get three years.

If you want to stick to that seven-year upgrade cycle, though, you need to do some smartphone housekeeping along the way. 

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⏫ No cap: Use a Mac? Now, when you click into a form field (like a search bar or login area), you’ll see a blue arrow icon pop up to alert you if you’re typing in all caps. ‘Bout time we got a warning before entering a long, complicated password with Caps Lock enabled!

Not shocked: Google’s AI-generated search results are dishing out some dangerous nonsense. When asked about “cheese not sticking to pizza,” the AI suggested adding glue to the sauce. It also responded to “health benefits of tobacco for tweens” with increased alertness, euphoria and relaxation. Uh‑oh.

It’s official: I’ve been warning you about this, and now we have a date. Support for Windows 10 ends Oct. 14, 2025. Your PC will still work, but no more updates — security or otherwise. Let me know if you need recs for a new laptop or PC.

Getting cash is annoying: Split the check for drinks, a concert, vacation — whatever — through Venmo. Open the Venmo app and add your pals as contacts. Choose Pay/Request at the bottom of the screen. Tap the names of the people you want to split the check with. Enter the amount and click Split. You can customize the amount for each person.

Your medical claim was denied: And all you got was a form letter. Legally, your insurance company has to send you any relevant info if you know what to ask for. Try this free tool from Pro Publica for help.

💸 Duh, it works: A money-saving strategy is all over TikTok, promising to save you over $5,000 in less than four months. Take 100 envelopes and number them from 1 to 100. Each day, deposit an amount matching the envelope number. Envelope No. 1 gets $1, the one labeled “2” gets $2 and so on. Maybe next, someone will go viral talking about savings accounts! You know, where you put money away with interest.

Give back: Be My Eyes is a wonderful free app (iOS and Android) that connects volunteers with low-vision people in need. Sign up and you can help someone do a simple task like reading a product label. It’s a small way to make a big difference.

Did you hear the inventor of the remote died? They found him stuck in the couch. The new Google TV update included Find My Remote. Yup, that’s exactly what it sounds like. Simply press a button on your streaming device and the remote will beep for 30 seconds so you can find it. It’s already on some Roku and Walmart TVs.