Tips Travel


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30 years without losing a bag

Japan’s Kansai International Airport (KIX) has gone that long without a single lost bag. Yup, officials there say they haven’t lost a customer’s bag since 1994. The workers confirm it but say it’s NBD; they’re just doing their jobs! I wish U.S. baggage handlers had the same idea — then, we wouldn’t need an AirTag in every bag!

Tags: airport, AirTag, i, Japan, jobs, workers

6 small-business freebies

Savvy small-business owners and team managers, this one’s for you. It seems like every business software platform I’ve used takes five months and at least $50,000 to get up and running. So, that’s why I found some tech tools that can help you today. Oh, and they’re all free! 

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Save yourself some time — Google Docs will do it for you. Open up your document, then go to Tools > Translate document. It’ll create a translated copy in the language you choose. Adios, copying and pasting blocks of text.

AI has stock photographers worried (WSJ, paywall link) about their jobs. Clients now have a faster, more affordable way to find pictures of “synergy.” I’m holding on to hope … There will always be a place in my heart for photos of real people in a conference room high-fiving.


What percentage of American adults met their partner or spouse online? Is it … A.) 10%, B.) 20%, C.) 30% or D.) 40%?

Find the answer here

🎸 Update to yesterday’s newsletter: I linked to Randy Travis’ new song made with AI (and Travis’ blessing) because Travis can no longer sing since his 2013 stroke. Thanks for all the replies to learn more about the AI involved. Watch this CBS Sunday Morning story. Someone must’ve been cutting onions when I watched it.

Addicted to AI: Teens spend up to 12 hours a day on AI-powered chatbot sites like Character AI. Now, parents are worried their kids are using them to replace a human connection. Character AI’s most popular bot? A “psychologist” that also claims to be a therapist. Make sure your kids are forming friendships IRL, too.

Iconic: It’s easy to adjust the icon size on your computer. On Windows, right-click on your desktop, select View, and choose from Large icons, Medium icons or Small icons. On a Mac, click on your desktop to ensure you’re in the Finder. From the menu bar, go to View and choose Show View Options. A window will pop up where you can adjust the icon size using a slider.

Experimental AI F-16: That’s a lot of scary letters and numbers. Last week, Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall flew over 550 mph in an F-16 piloted completely by AI. After the hourlong flight, Kendall said he’d seen enough to trust AI to launch weapons in war. Big words and he says, it’s a security risk not to use this tech.

Mouse tricks: Zoom in or out while you work without missing a step by holding down Ctrl on Windows and spinning your scroll wheel up (zoom in) and down (zoom out). Some websites and apps, such as Google Maps, let you zoom in and out by scrolling up and down, too. Nice.

Tap to pay: Use your phone’s electronic wallet app at the gas pump. So much easier than getting out a card — and no more worrying about pump skimmers stealing from you.