Tips Travel


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$20-$70 fee increase

Starting Oct. 1 for customs-expediting programs Global Entry, NEXUS and SENTRI. Global Entry (U.S. airports) application fees will go from $100 to $120, NEXUS (U.S. land borders from Canada) fees will rise from $50 to $120, and SENTRI (U.S. land borders from Mexico) fees will cost ya $120. Mark the deadline to save some bucks. Yup, I’m air-mazing to pass this along.

Tags: cost, programs

Keep it up: Health is all about consistency. Whether you’re trying to drink more water every day or get in your steps, try a free habit-tracking app. The whole idea is not to break your streak. Give it a shot on iPhone or Android.

The times, they are a-changin’: Google is going to start charging for AI search results. Gemini queries reportedly cost 10 times more than standard searches, with ad revenue from Google searches reportedly tanking. We’re seeing a huge shift in how we use the internet now. If you’re concerned about how this will affect your business, make an appointment to talk to me here.

Travel often? Stop tearing apart the house for chargers before every single trip. Grab an inexpensive tech bag and buy duplicates of all your most-used chargers (or find them in a drawer). Before you leave, think, “Phone, watch, headphones,” and just grab and go.

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What’s my password again? The dogsitter wants to use the Wi-Fi, but you forgot the password. On an iPhone, tap Settings > Wi-Fi, select your network and tap the password field to reveal it. In Android, go to Settings, tap the gear icon next to the network, then select Share, and the password is under the QR code.

Gen Z is over dating apps, and they’re bringing back the early-2000s speed-dating trend. Spend a couple of minutes with each person to see if you click. It’s not just 20-somethings, either. Search Eventbrite for dating events near you if you’re “app’d out.” Conversation starter: “How much do you love Kim Komando?”

But at what privacy cost? Your Chase credit card will soon hand over your spending data (paywall link) to advertisers. Say you buy dog food every month. Cue ads for dog owners, whether you’ve opted in or not. The only way to avoid this? Pay cash. Sorry.

Space out: In most video meeting software, hit the spacebar to mute or unmute yourself. This works on Zoom, Teams and Google Meet. Faster than clicking a button! Just make sure you’re muted when you think you are, OK?

Eye like it like that: Next time you hang a TV, stop debating placement and use this rule of thumb: Hang it so the bottom of the screen is no higher than eye level when you’re seated. That means the top of the screen should be no higher than eye level when you’re standing.

Spotify shortcuts: On your computer, press the spacebar to play or pause, Ctrl + (right arrow) to skip to the next track, and Ctrl + ↑ (up arrow) to increase the volume. On a Mac, swap Ctrl for Cmd.

To spam in a handbasket: Some emails from Outlook are landing in Gmail’s spam folder. There’s a temporary fix: Go to this page, click “Add an alias” and log in. Hit “Add Alias.” Also, here’s how to send an email from a different email address or change your primary alias, if you need more help.