Instagram secret

🤫 Instagram secret: Have you seen those IG posts with multiple accounts listed? You can do it, too! The Collab feature lets you add up to three pals to coauthor posts or Reels. Before you post, tap Tag people and you’ll see the collaborator option. Sweet!

Tags: accounts, Feature, Instagram, multiple accounts, People, posts, secret

5 legit ways to make extra cash on your schedule

If you’re sitting on a pile of cash sipping mai tais in Bora Bora right now, congratulations (and where’s my invite?). For the rest of us, making a little extra money never hurts.

People ask me all the time for an easy way to rake in the dough. Do those exist? Yes and no. 

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How to keep your smartphone working for years

Many new phones from Google, Samsung and Apple now come with seven years of security fixes and software updates. Just a few years ago, you were lucky to get three years.

If you want to stick to that seven-year upgrade cycle, though, you need to do some smartphone housekeeping along the way. 

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Not shocked: Google’s AI-generated search results are dishing out some dangerous nonsense. When asked about “cheese not sticking to pizza,” the AI suggested adding glue to the sauce. It also responded to “health benefits of tobacco for tweens” with increased alertness, euphoria and relaxation. Uh‑oh.

$6,000 per ticket

To fly BarkAir. The dog-first airline sounds like a joke, but it’s totally real. It’s a private charter where you and your best friend are treated like royalty. Routes are super limited, but you can request one if you and the pup need a getaway. Hmm … How do I get them to sponsor Abby and me?

15 minutes

The time it takes to grow diamonds in a lab with new tech. For now, the diamonds from this high-pressure process are too tiny to set (even for earrings). But pretty soon, you could have a 90-minute ring for your 90-day fiancé.

💸 Duh, it works: A money-saving strategy is all over TikTok, promising to save you over $5,000 in less than four months. Take 100 envelopes and number them from 1 to 100. Each day, deposit an amount matching the envelope number. Envelope No. 1 gets $1, the one labeled “2” gets $2 and so on. Maybe next, someone will go viral talking about savings accounts! You know, where you put money away with interest.

4 steps

To fall asleep on a plane. The “going-over-the-alpha-bridge” method is going viral on Instagram thanks to psychologist Erica Terblanche. Think it’d work for you? Watch the vid!

50,000 calories

How much energy it takes to carry a baby for nine months (paywall link). I never knew this fun fact! Did you? Only 4% of that is for the little one; the other 96% is to support all the work Mom is doing. That equates to 50 pints of ice cream — talk about legen‑dairy.

🤢 Phone got you carsick? Apple found a way to get rid of motion sickness while you text. Hallelujah. Vehicle Motion Cues show animated dots on the edges of your iPhone or iPad screen that move with the car’s direction, tricking your brain and calming your queasy stomach. ETA: Later this year.

Mind your AI manners: Saying “please” and “thank you” will get you more detailed and elaborate AI chatbot responses. Why? AI is trained on human interaction patterns. If you’re rude, the AI responds like a human would — short and less engaged. *Repeats inner mantra* It’s just a bot … It’s just a bot …