Organize your inbox

Don’t let the junk take over your email. Take back your time with Clean Email instead.

I’d make a joke about Inbox Zero, but let’s be real – that is the joke! 

But what if there was a way to cut through all the junk that’s sent to your inbox? Enter Clean Email, the digital decluttering tool you’ve been waiting for. With only a few clicks, you can easily delete emails in bulk – based on factors like how long ago the email was sent, size, sender name and sender domain.

Get organized 

No more annoying promotions you didn’t sign up for or those other newsletters that you never read taking up residence in an unorganized inbox. 

Clean Email bundles your emails into categorized “smart folders,” so you can manage them en masse — whether that’s deleting, archiving, or reading.

Unsubscribe sticks

Got subscriptions you don’t remember signing up for? Unlike other apps, Clean Email’s Unsubscriber feature doesn’t just automatically delete emails. It actually removes you from the senders list. 

Read later – or don’t 

Sort subscriptions into a dedicated “read later” folder. And with ‘Auto Clean,’ you can set specific rules like “keep newest” or “archive emails older than one week,” keeping your inbox pristine without lifting a finger.

Clean Email gets smart – and secure.

From newsletters to social media notifications, Clean Email filters and sorts, so you’re only left with the emails that matter. Clean Email will also make suggestions based on your cleaning habits to make the automation even more efficient. 

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Looking For The Perfect AI Platform? Get Unlimited AI Power With Lightning Fast Speed on Graydient

From new hobbyist to professional, get the AI tools that unleash your creativity with Greydient – no credit counting required. 

Imagine: You’re working on your next AI masterpiece. But then, your creative process is interrupted. Your AI tool is asking for more credits? 

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Small-biz boost: TikTok isn’t my favorite, either, but if you have a small biz, it’s a good way to reach a ton of customers. Here’s a free webinar on how to make successful TikTok ads.

You have my Word: Now, any text you copy and paste in Microsoft Word will automatically match the font, size and color of your existing document. Nice! Prefer the old way? Go to File > Options > Advanced > Cut, copy, and paste > Pasting from other programs, and choose Keep Source Formatting.


The most popular game app of all time is Candy Crush. But what was the very first mobile game app? Was it … A.) Solitaire, B.) Bricks, C.) Snake or D.) Tetris?

Find the answer here!

No. 1 on the App Store

For noplace, a Gen Z social app. It feels like a mix of Twitter and Myspace, with totally customizable profiles (just like back in the day!) and a Top 10 friends area, similar to the old Myspace Top 8.

✈️ I download the official app for every airline I fly: Here’s a pro tip. Look for the live activities feature in your app of choice. This generally gives you a countdown until boarding time and a real-time view of your gate and seat info in case anything changes at the last minute. Nice.

Stop looking at posts that make you mad: If you can’t unfriend your annoying cousin or old coworker, mute ‘em. On Instagram, go to the account in question, then tap the Following button. Choose Mute.

Calling all space nerds: Download WinJupos on your PC. It’s a free, fun way to travel the planets, sun and moon.

🤫 Instagram secret: Have you seen those IG posts with multiple accounts listed? You can do it, too! The Collab feature lets you add up to three pals to coauthor posts or Reels. Before you post, tap Tag people and you’ll see the collaborator option. Sweet!

Give back: Be My Eyes is a wonderful free app (iOS and Android) that connects volunteers with low-vision people in need. Sign up and you can help someone do a simple task like reading a product label. It’s a small way to make a big difference.

Get audio for the muted bar TV: At a loud bar or party and wanna watch the game? Tunity is a free app that scans the TV and gives you audio for your earbuds or headphones. Get it here on iOS or Android. So cool.

Where are the cicadas? You can help map the creepy crawlers. Download the free Cicada Safari app for iPhone or Android. Take pics of any cicadas you see and submit ‘em via the app. There’s a great map that shows you where the buggers are, too.

My fave price is free: Pro video-editing software usually comes with a pro-level price — unless you know the best freebies. Kdenlive is free and open-source, and it gets new updates all the time. It works with Windows, Mac and Linux.

Peace among us: Windows 11’s Phone Link lets iPhone users send and receive messages via iMessage, make and receive calls, and see any app notifications on a PC or laptop.

Lightning fast: In Microsoft Word, use Ctrl + the arrow keys to move through words or paragraphs quickly. Combine that shortcut with Shift to select text as you go.

Tweet-tweet, as heard on my show: The Merlin Bird ID app helps you figure out which pretty birdie you can hear or see based on an audio clip or photo. Super cool. Download it free for iOS or Android, and have fun!

r/Update: Reddit has been crappy to navigate on mobile for, well, forever. Not anymore. The latest app update makes it easier to get to the comments (what most of us use Reddit for anyway), watch videos and add your two cents. 

Score: A bunch of fast-food restaurants have apps that give you discounts and free stuff. Here’s a list. Just know you’re handing over data, so the freebies aren’t really free. Worth it for french fries? Your call.

📱 Rx app: The FDA just approved Rejoyn, the first-ever “prescription app” for major depressive disorder. Crazy times, friends. The six-week app course offers cognitive exercises and therapeutic lessons for folks age 22 and up and currently on antidepressants. The best part? If you qualify when it goes live this summer, your insurance should cover it.