Run your business the Komando way with Kim's tech favorites

As a small business owner for over 20 years, Kim has partnered with a few hardware and software vendors and companies. These companies may sponsor The Kim Komando Show and, but she honestly trusts their time-saving tools, security features and money-saving innovations.

Dell, Epson and Capterra have come to be Kim’s trusted go-to hardware and software partners, and they’ve played key roles in making her business go round. These are the companies Kim hand-selected to keep her business running at full capacity.

So, if you’re looking for a hardware partner for your business, a printer that helps reduce ink costs or you need quick software solutions — and who doesn’t? — read on.

Key things to know when buying a server

This is a photo of the servers here at Komando headquarters. Yes, we really do use Dell.

“When it came time to buy servers, I went with Dell,” Kim said.

We asked our own John Davila, whose official title is Systems Administrator, though we often refer to him as our IT Super Hero, to give us three things you should consider when shopping for servers to support your business. He recommended the following:

  1. Understand you have options for your servers: Use a physical dedicated server, rent one from a data center or rent a cloud instance (which is a shared resources with others).
  2. You have options for backups: Physical device (on or off-site), backup cloud instance or a hybrid of both for extra protection — especially if one goes offline for any reason.
  3. Consider scalability: Your hardware needs to grow with your business, especially when you start getting more traffic.

We went with Dell because they pride themselves on providing their customers with security, manageability and reliability. Moreover, they produce the latest technology that is most relevant to their users.

Shop Dell deals now.

What to look for in a printer

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