Stop missing video meetings: Use this secret Google Calendar setting

Video meetings are practically unavoidable — and missing a call is just as bad as not attending an in-person meeting. Since they’re virtual, though, they’re easy to forget. Those days are over with this secret setting: Google Calendar daily agenda feature.

You can get an automatic rundown of your daily schedule whenever you log in for work. You don’t even have to open Google Calendar to use this free tool. Tap or click here for 12 more Google Calendar tricks.

We’ll show you how to set up a daily agenda with Google Calendar. Then we’ll explain how it will help you boost productivity in your work and personal life. After this tip, you’ll never miss another video call.

Why Google Calendar daily agenda is so useful

Many workers start the day by checking Google Calendar. It’s a simple way to keep track of appointments and meetings. This tool helps you organize your daily, weekly and monthly schedules.

You can use this tool to keep on top of responsibilities. This includes:

  • Meetings.
  • Holidays.
  • Deadlines.
  • Daily tasks.
  • Work events and more.

You can also use Google Calendar with Microsoft Teams. This way, you can share your schedule with others and create multiple calendars you and your team can use together.

However, there’s a way you can be even more productive. You can check your daily agenda without even opening Google Calendar. Instead, you can have Google send daily emails about your schedule. This saves valuable time in your busy day.

RELATED: Save space and boost productivity with this simple monitor trick

How to make Google Calendar send a list of daily tasks to your inbox

It’s pretty straightforward: It all comes down to a setting inside Google Calendar. It’s turned off by default. Just follow these steps to turn it on:

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Fix your website! 4 ways to get more people to your site using SEO

A savvy business owner knows the value of website optimization. In today’s cutthroat digital marketplace, an SEO-friendly website with solid keyword research, meta tags, good page speed and backlinks helps you stand out. If you want to know how to improve search engine rankings for small business websites, you’ve come to the right place.

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5 things you need to know before Google Analytics changes

What’s the secret to a successful website? Although effective user interface (UI) and good web design are important, you should also use data metrics to optimize your site’s potential. Here at the Komando HQ, we trust Google Analytics to give us a bird’s-eye view of how our site is doing.

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3 secrets about email marketing and sending your own newsletters

Email marketing is one of the best ways to reach your target audience. It helps send personalized messages straight to your ideal customer’s inbox. Don’t overlook it when planning cross-channel campaigns. If you’re new to email marketing, use these three strategies for success.

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The best times to post on social media

You’re probably posting at the wrong time. When’s the best time to post on social media so that people actually see your stuff? Here’s when posting “primetime” hits for every channel: 

Facebook: Weekdays between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Wednesday posts should get the most eyeballs. Btw, weekends and outside of normal business hours are the lowest engagement times.

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Small biz or side hustle tip: Manage appointments and rentals with these tips and tech tools

Running multiple small businesses can be overwhelming. You have to juggle scheduling, accounting and countless other duties. Talk about stressful.

Luckily, you can streamline your operations with a small business scheduling app like Google Calendar, Calendly or Acuity Scheduling.

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Small biz tip: Don't overlook this digital danger

Are you the type of business owner who forgets about ex-employees as soon as they’re gone? Failing to remove former employees’ access to your systems and data could lead to security breaches. Don’t let poor offboarding practices be the weak link in your cybersecurity chain.

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Small biz tip: How to set up an authenticator to protect your work accounts

Your business accounts have tons of private data you don’t want hackers to see. Although two-step verification (2FA) keeps hackers out, you can’t rely on texts to prove your identity. Hackers can intercept your messages.

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Small biz tip: Ways to make 2023 your best year yet

Prepare your business for the new year with these five small business resolutions for 2023. We’ll help you cut costs, gain new skills and find ways to optimize your work life. It’s time to be more strategic with your marketing goals, develop your online presence and whip your finances into shape.

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How to bring in more income in the new year by selling your stuff

Are you new to the neighborhood or want to connect with your community? Try joining a buy nothing group. Neighbors pass around items for free, which is a great way to save money on things you need and establish rapport. Tap or click here for safe ways to get free stuff from next door.

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How long should you keep records for your business, freelance job or side hustles?

So you decided to be on top of your paperwork and organize your business records. That’s a great start for small business owners, freelance workers and anyone with a side hustle. Over time, though, all those records can pile up, cluttering your file cabinet or digital cloud.

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3 ways to optimize your website before 2023

If you have an e-commerce store, I bet you’re reaping the benefits of holiday shopping. Whether you’re selling products or services, there’s always room for improvement. That’s why we’re sharing three of the best website optimization tips.

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5 small biz freebies to save you some cash, from shipping materials to logos

Owning or working for a small business is full of joys: Seeing your business take off, working closely with a small team and watching your ideas flourish.

It’s not all a walk in the park, though. Small teams, limited budgets and not enough time in the day can make things challenging.

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Run a small business? Follow this end-of-the-year checklist before 2022 ends

The new year is right around the corner, which means it’s time for New Year’s resolutions, paperwork filing and holiday vacations. For busy business owners, there’s a lot to keep track of. Make sure you don’t forget anything important with this small business checklist.

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Grow your small business: 4 free ways to learn digital marketing

You can have the best product in the world, but that won’t mean anything if you don’t know how to market your business. To attract customers to your site, you must arm yourself with marketing strategies. Luckily, there are tons of free ways to learn digital marketing.

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5 signs your website is outdated

If you’re a small business owner or an entrepreneur, you want to leave a good first impression. Your website will be the first point of contact for many potential customers. A recent study found that nearly 2 billion people purchased goods or services online in 2019. That year, e-retail sales raked in over $3.5 trillion worldwide.

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Set up alerts to see what your customers are saying about you

You know that brand identity and popular opinion matter if you own a business. Recommendations from existing customers can go a long way to increase business, so what customers say about you is crucial information you can use to promote your brand.

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Don't make the same mistake that cost me $90K

I’ve been a small business owner for 25 years. Along the way, I’ve had some great successes, along with my fair share of mistakes.

Sometimes those mistakes are easy to recover from. You recognize what went wrong, regroup and try something new. And sometimes you realize, “Uh oh. This is something I can never let happen again.”

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Have your own website? 10 smart ways to make it better and attract more visitors

For all you small business owners out there, you know how essential it is to have a website that operates at peak performance. More than that, your website has to draw in visitor traffic and keep them there long enough to get your point across.

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5 branding tips for creating the perfect logo for your business or side hustle

If you’re a small business owner, you know that standing out can be one of your most challenging tasks. Attracting new clients often comes down to your presentation. You can have the best product in the world, but if your logo is sloppy and unprofessional, customers will flock to your better-prepared competitors.

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