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Snooping companions

What percentage of Americans admit to routinely spying on their partner’s phone and checking their text messages?

The answer: 51% of Americans admit to spying on their partner’s phone. Oof, that’s a whole lot of snooping.

Tags: Americans, messages, Partner, percentage, phone, snooping, spying, text, text messages

15 websites you’ll wish you knew about sooner

It’s been way too long since I shared a big list of handy websites. Dig in, and I’ll bet you’ll find at least a couple you just have to visit. (And none are advertisers — just sayin’.)

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Storage full? How to adjust your photos to save space

Fun fact: Whenever I’m watching a show with Barry that I’m not very into (ahem, “Franklin,” so boring), I open up my photo app and start deleting. It’s my time for a little digital cleanup. 

It’s not just junk filling up storage. High-res photos look stunning, but they eat up so much space on your phone. If you want to scale it back a bit, I’ve got the lowdown for you. You can thank me later because you’ll likely never see that annoying “Storage full” notification again.

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Tell me more: The ProductFrom website is the perfect match if you ever wonder, “How do I know if a product is from China?” or “Where did this come from?” Their database contains 112,000 products, so there’s a good chance you’ll find what you’re looking for.

Better late than never: A New York man’s Apple Watch saved his life after a bike crash left him with a baseball-sized lump on his face (don’t click that if you’re squeamish!). He made it home, fainted in the shower — and woke up to his watch alerting 911 of his “hard fall.” Bet he wishes it’d kicked in during the first accident.

2.3 million views on a fake James Bond movie trailer

Now folks are begging for a real version. The phony “Bond 26” vid “stars” AI versions of Henry Cavill and Margot Robbie. The creator used a mix of AI and existing film clips to create the trailer. Fun fact: Remixing film clips generally falls under fair use; otherwise, this trailer would be banned, James banned.

Can’t peel yourself off the couch? Amazon Prime members, get a year of Grubhub+ for free and skip the food delivery fees. Go to, hit Activate Grubhub+, and sign in or make an account. After your first year, it’s $10 a month, so set a reminder to cancel.

We may receive a commission when you buy through our links, but our reporting and recommendations are always independent and objective.

Keep it simple: Ever seen one of those memes where someone’s microphone caught all the things they said after they meant to send a text? Don’t be that person. When you’re ready to send, just say, “Send.”

Skip the cropped group pic or obvious selfie: For professional photos, go with a slight smile over your biggest grin. Pro tip: Blur the background so the person viewing your profile can focus on your face. If your phone has Portrait mode, use it!

Get help for your business: Forget sorting through tons of resumes. I use prescreening questions to qualify applicants. Talk about a timesaver! Get one free job posting now using my link at

On an Android-based device, you can quickly swipe to the right on the home button to see all your open apps. Want to close one? Just swipe it off the screen. This is worth doing now and then if you never close your apps.