Tips Money


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Fake your location to get the lowest prices

Fake your location to get the lowest prices: A friend of mine in Phoenix booked a rental car in the U.K. It was $955. I told her to try this trick. She used her VPN to change her location to the U.K. and the same car for the same dates was $322. Just another reason why you need ExpressVPN on all your devices. Use this link to get three months free.

Tags: car, change, dates, devices, ExpressVPN, fake, free, friend, i, Link, Location, Phoenix, prices, rental, rental car, trick, VPN

How to look younger and thinner in pics

It’s summer, and that means you’ll be taking a lot of photos. I want you to look your best. When it comes to posing, you need to be strategic. And if that doesn’t work, I share the photo-editing app Kim Kardashian uses.

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Find all the people you've blocked on social media

The ability to block people on social media is there for good reason: To keep away creeps and harassers. But your “Block” button’s also good for exes, oversharers and nosy family members.

Ever want to see who you’ve blocked over time? I pulled together steps to do just that on every major social platform. Check your list of people you’ve blocked. Maybe it was a mistake or misunderstanding.

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Is Apple a monopoly?

Ah, the great debate: Blue bubbles vs. green bubbles.

$12,000 in flights

To one winner in Frontier’s free-airfare-for-a-year contest. Another 100 folks will win a $1,000 voucher. You have until July 2 to enter. Hope you win!

Tech smarts: Windows and Mac tricks you’ll use all the time

There are some tech tricks that you only know if someone clues you in.

Take the humble USB cord. If you’re always plugging in the wrong way, here’s the secret: The symbol on one isn’t just branding or decoration. That symbol will point up if you’re plugging in horizontally. If you’re plugging a cable vertically, the USB symbol will face you.

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Justin the robot barista

There’s just no way I’m going to tip a robot.

Stop texting for their travel ETA

Have someone flying in to visit this summer? No more tracking them online or trying to figure out if they’ve been delayed if you use this hack.

Do dogs pee in pools? 🐶💧

YOUR dog might pee in the pool, but I know my Abby girl does not.

You don't know your phone numbers?!

How many do you know off the top of your head?

Side hustles for 2024

Need some extra cash? I put together a list of online side hustles that actually get you paid.