Tips Money


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Duh, it works

💸 Duh, it works: A money-saving strategy is all over TikTok, promising to save you over $5,000 in less than four months. Take 100 envelopes and number them from 1 to 100. Each day, deposit an amount matching the envelope number. Envelope No. 1 gets $1, the one labeled “2” gets $2 and so on. Maybe next, someone will go viral talking about savings accounts! You know, where you put money away with interest.

Tags: accounts, interest, money, money-saving, saving, savings, strategy, TikTok

How to keep your smartphone working for years

Many new phones from Google, Samsung and Apple now come with seven years of security fixes and software updates. Just a few years ago, you were lucky to get three years.

If you want to stick to that seven-year upgrade cycle, though, you need to do some smartphone housekeeping along the way. 

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Give back: Be My Eyes is a wonderful free app (iOS and Android) that connects volunteers with low-vision people in need. Sign up and you can help someone do a simple task like reading a product label. It’s a small way to make a big difference.

4 steps

To fall asleep on a plane. The “going-over-the-alpha-bridge” method is going viral on Instagram thanks to psychologist Erica Terblanche. Think it’d work for you? Watch the vid!

Did you hear the inventor of the remote died? They found him stuck in the couch. The new Google TV update included Find My Remote. Yup, that’s exactly what it sounds like. Simply press a button on your streaming device and the remote will beep for 30 seconds so you can find it. It’s already on some Roku and Walmart TVs.

🌎 Listen around the world: (that’s five o’s, if you’re counting) lets you pick any decade from the past 100-plus years, then click a country to see what they were probably listening to on the radio. Like the Rolling Stones? Check out Zambian radio in the 1970s — it rocks! Btw, just click on Basic Mode. You don’t need to join.

50,000 calories

How much energy it takes to carry a baby for nine months (paywall link). I never knew this fun fact! Did you? Only 4% of that is for the little one; the other 96% is to support all the work Mom is doing. That equates to 50 pints of ice cream — talk about legen‑dairy.

Don’t live in the past (or, if you do, erase it): You went down the Facebook rabbit hole while snooping on an ex and you want to wipe away the last 20 minutes of your search history. Log into Facebook on your browser and tap your profile picture. Select Settings & Privacy > Activity Log. Click Logged actions and other activity, then Search history. Tap Clear Searches.

WTH do I do now? Jim in Philly wrote to me because he downloaded an app that totally screwed up his phone — random ads everywhere. Sorry, Jim, but you need to do a full factory reset. It’s a royal pain in the rear, I know, but it’s the only way to ensure your phone is clear from adware and malware. After that, do like I do and get a solid AV software on your phone.

⏸️ Cheapskate pro tip: You can pause your internet and/or cable package if you’re going to be out of town for a while. So much better than paying full price. Get steps for your provider here. Bonus: You don’t need to turn in your cable boxes.

🔎 Tricky, tricky: Zoom in or out by holding down Ctrl on a PC and spinning your mouse scroll wheel up to zoom in and down to zoom out. Some websites and apps, such as Google Maps, let you zoom in and out simply by scrolling up and down. Beautiful.