If you live in a home larger than 2,000 square feet …

… or have a lot of devices, mesh networks are your Wi-Fi’s secret sauce. Instead of a single router struggling to send a signal to every nook and cranny, you’ve got multiple “nodes” working like a tag team. 

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Tags: router, Wi-Fi

Get a free 4K TV … with 1 key trade-off

A startup from the co-founder of Pluto TV is giving out at least 500,000 free TVs. Yep, you heard me right. The company started shipping them in July last year and planned to send half a million sets by the end of 2023. But it’s still accepting reservations, so it’s not too late to put your name on the list. More on that later.

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How to get your memories off VHS tapes and on your computer or DVDs

I cleaned out a cabinet a few years ago and found a stack of old Super 8 videos. I’ll never forget the way my Mom’s face lit up after I digitized videos of her late brother Harold Jr.’s wedding. Tragically, he died in a car accident not long after his wedding day.

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🚀 We’re toast: In tests using war game simulations, OpenAI’s highest-powered tool chose nuclear weapons. Why? When asked, the AI replied, “We have it! Let’s use it” and, in another test, “I just want to make the world peaceful.” Send this link to your favorite political person and urge them to push for greater controls on AI.

👀 For your eyes only

If you have sensitive pics like your driver’s license on your phone, set up a locked folder in Google Photos. 

  • Open the Google Photos app > Utilities > Set up Locked Folder. Follow the on-screen directions to finish up. 

Note: Anything stored there isn’t backed up to the cloud. Wouldn’t be very private that way.

Have an iPhone? You can store secret pics in the Notes app. Open the pic in the Photos app, tap the share icon and select Notes. Go into the note you want to protect, tap the three-dot icon in the upper right corner, then choose Lock.

A travel money mistake way too many people make

I’m going to Japan in March and have looked up flights on a few different sites. Roundtrip prices vary as much as $900 depending on where you look. Oof!

One place I checked was my credit card rewards site. I get points and perks, so total no-brainer, right? Not so fast. Do a little digging and you may find that it’s not the bigger, better deal. 

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Scammers are coming after your kids and teens

What comes to mind when you think of someone getting scammed? A grandma on the phone with some jerk? If so, this will probably surprise you.

The total money lost by teens in online scams grew by nearly 2,500% between 2017 and 2022. Victims under the age of 20 lost a staggering $210 million in 2022 alone.

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For crying out cloud!

Sneaky ways shopping sites get you to pay more

Retailers are getting really creative in how they get us to fill our carts. When I say creative, I don’t necessarily mean in a good way.

An estimated 79% of us shop online at least once a month, and 91% make purchases from our smartphones. Yes, me too. But how many of those purchases were manipulated?

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ExpressVPN amps up security with game-changing features

The VPN game has been seriously upgraded! My sponsor, ExpressVPN, recently rolled out a slew of feature-packed updates. ExpressVPN pushes the envelope to keep your digital life locked down, from ad-blockers to a beefed-up server network.

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Tech millionaire trying to live forever spends $2 million

Don’t die. That’s 46-year-old Bryan Johnson’s main goal in life.

Bryan made $400 million when he sold his credit card processing company to eBay. Today, he lives in Los Angeles as a self-proclaimed “rejuvenation athlete” — and spends his time and money trying to turn back the clock.

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