AI Bumble dates

If the AI is going to do all the work, what’re you doing while your chatbot is dating for you?

Jetset more safely

I bet you or someone you know has a scary travel story. These gadgets are no-brainers to bring on your next trip to protect yourself and your stuff.

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“Alexa, who plays [character] in [movie or show]?” That phrase, which you can say to any smart assistant, just solved your next three TV-related fights.


Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison, worth $170 billion and change, owns 98% of the Hawaiian island of Lanai. On the island, was he upset because … A.) He couldn’t get dinner reservations, B.) Ticketed for running a stop sign or C.) Stranded because there wasn’t enough gas for his jet?

Find the answer here!

Wordle is stressing out the world

Send this to someone you know who can’t be productive without doing the daily Wordle first.

Gen X can't use emojis

Share with someone who never seems to send the right emoji.

No Apple Pay? Try 'palm pay'

If you forget your credit card or don’t want to carry anything, this would be pretty dang handy.

Do dogs pee in pools? 🐶💧

YOUR dog might pee in the pool, but I know my Abby girl does not.

You don't know your phone numbers?!

How many do you know off the top of your head?

74-year-old learns new 💩 from Kim

OK, this is my favorite comment in a while. Sign up for my newsletter, and you might get featured on the podcast, too.

How to save money on groceries

I know, food prices are insane. Cliff Smith found a great way to save — and has eaten a lot of great meals in his quest.


 I’m not a wave, but I travel. I’m intangible and can carry a conversation. What am I?

Find the answer here!


How did the founders of Uber come up with the idea for the company? Was it … A.) From the memorable taxi ride in the 1954 classic film “On the Waterfront,” B.) Because one of the founder’s fathers drove a shuttle service van, C.) Based on a pair of Ivy League grads who moved to Silicon Valley, or D.) Sparked by waiting for a taxi in Paris on a snowy night?

Find the answer here!


About 75% of travelers agree cleaning before a trip is at the top of the to-do list. Is the No. 1 priority … A.) Doing the dishes, B.) Laundry, C.) Mopping the floors or D.) Emptying the fridge?

Click here to find the answer!

How to find duplicate photos [phone/computer]

Running out of storage space or just sick of all the junk? I bet your camera roll is the main culprit. Here are a few tips and tricks for Apple, Android and Windows to organize and remove unwanted duplicates.


In our age of filters and photo-editing apps, what is the percentage of truly unedited, unaltered photos posted to social media? Is it … A.) 5%, B.) 12.5%, C.) 20% or D.) 27%?

Click here for the answer!


In 2019, an app surpassed a huge milestone of 400 million downloads worldwide, offering features like daily to-do’s and audio tips. Was it an app for … A.) Fitness, B.) Video editing, C.) Reading the Bible or D.) Learning a new language?

Click here to find the answer!

I didn't realize I pronounced this wrong

Basil, bazil, basl … Who cares? All I know is it’s delish.


Which of the following was developed as a result of research conducted by NASA? Was it … A.) Memory foam, B.) Velcro, C.) The microwave oven or D.) GPS?

A.) Memory foam was developed in the 1970s for seat cushioning and crash protection.

What NOT to tell AI

AI is a great tool if you know how to use it … But there are some things you shouldn’t say to a bot. Kim has the lowdown on info to keep to yourself.