Larry Ellison on Lanai

Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison, worth $170 billion and change, owns 98% of the Hawaiian island of Lanai. On the island, was he upset because … A.) He couldn’t get dinner reservations, B.) Ticketed for running a stop sign or C.) Stranded because there wasn’t enough gas for his jet?

🛑 The answer: Larry Ellison was ticketed for running a stop sign while driving his bright orange Corvette. Imagine the convo with the police officer and his buddies afterward.

Tags: change, driving, gas, Oracle, Police, reservations, stop, T

Wordle is stressing out the world

Send this to someone you know who can’t be productive without doing the daily Wordle first.

You’re my fave: Get quick links to your four favorite contacts on your Android home screen. Tap and hold on a blank spot on the home screen, then pick Widgets to find the list.

Gen X can't use emojis

Share with someone who never seems to send the right emoji.

Switch up your search: By default, there’s a search box on your iPhone home screen. You can hide it via Settings > Home Screen & App Library. FYI: Whether it’s visible or not, you can search your iPhone with a swipe down from the middle of your home screen.

A buck is a buck: If you stream music on Spotify, you’re most likely on the $11.99-a-month plan that includes 15 hours of audiobooks a month, too. Don’t use ‘em? Go into your account and downgrade to “Basic” ($10.99 per month). Hey, it all adds up!

Have a YouTube channel? Make yourself a backup of all your videos in one swoop. Visit, then select only YouTube and YouTube Music. Follow the instructions to create an archive of your videos. Good to do if a loved one with a channel passes away, too.

@growing_daniel via X

What happens when you overclock a monitor? It hertz.

🆘 Text 911: In an emergency situation where you can’t talk on the phone, start a new text, type “911” in the recipient field, add your exact location (no pics or emojis) and press Send. A dispatcher will respond via text with instructions. If this feature is unavailable in your area, you’ll receive a reply text alerting you.

When you need iSpace: You don’t have to keep all your apps on the iPhone home screen. Press and hold on an app icon and pick Remove App > Remove from Home Screen to get rid of the shortcut. You can still launch the app from the App Library.

No Apple Pay? Try 'palm pay'

If you forget your credit card or don’t want to carry anything, this would be pretty dang handy.