Don’t stop ‘bereaving’

Don’t stop “bereaving”: “Griefbots” resurrect loved ones by using AI for conversations and company, but researchers say they do more psychological harm than good. Remember, Psalm 23:4 says you have to “walk through the valley of the shadow of death.” You can’t walk around it, especially with AI.

Tags: AI, company, conversations, death, loved ones, researchers, stop, T

Handy hidden features on Instagram, X and Facebook

If you’re one Facebook argument away from lighting your social media accounts on fire, I don’t blame you. But before you log out for good, I’ve got a few hidden features that’ll make using your social media accounts stink a little less

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Create personal automations on your phone

Wanna feel like you’re living in 2075? Start automating your phone tasks, friends. Yep, your phone has a shortcut feature you’re probably not taking advantage of. You can trigger multiple actions at once just by asking Siri or Google Assistant!

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Lightning fast: In Microsoft Word, use Ctrl + the arrow keys to move through words or paragraphs quickly. Combine that shortcut with Shift to select text as you go.

Spot the difference?

Sneaky-sneaky, but now you know their tricks!

When you don’t know what to watch: Hit up Type in the mood you’re going for, and it’ll spit out a list of movies that fit the bill. I searched for “summer love story,” and winners included “The Notebook” and “About Time.”

Put down your phone: … after you finish this newsletter. Researchers found scrolling social media for just 15 minutes less improved subjects’ health, immunity, sleep, anxiety, depression and loneliness.

Amazon’s secret 25% discount: Send your old tech to Amazon through its Trade-in Program, and get a gift card for the value. Bonus: You’ll get an extra 20% off if you’re upgrading to a new Amazon device, like an Echo or Kindle.

We may receive a commission when you buy through our links, but our reporting and recommendations are always independent and objective.

Phone screen out of control? Group your apps by category. Here’s an option: Set your home screen to include only personal and family apps. Swipe to the next screen for all your work apps. On another screen, add all your entertainment apps.

Restart Chrome: That’s the easiest way to update. The latest patch fixes a zero-day flaw. Translation: Hackers know about it, so update your Chrome browser now.

From Tom in San Antonio: “My wife said when we run out of something to ‘put it on the fridge so we don’t forget to buy it.’ She never said anything about a list.”