You can’t delete Meta AI — Do this instead

If you’ve logged into Instagram or Facebook recently, you’ve probably noticed things look a little … different. 

Meta’s new AI-powered search window is right at the top of Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp. Think of it as Siri or Alexa for social media — without a cute name. 

Here’s the kicker: There’s no real way to opt out of the feature. Luckily, there are some steps you can take to protect your data while using the apps. My top three tips are below!

Have you tried turning it on and on again?

Meta wants to make your FB or IG search bar work more like ChatGPT. I tried it and thought it was kind of lame. So what happens if you just ask the bot to go away? It says it is possible and even gives phony “instructions.” Don’t waste your time. I tried it — they’re bogus. 

When Fast Company asked about the discrepancy, Meta referred to its AI help section, which says responses “may not be accurate … and should not be used to make important decisions.” 

Gee, thanks a lot, Mark … 

You’re stuck with Meta AI for the time being. The good news is you have a few options to protect your data, so it’s not just sold off to anyone and everyone.

  • Log into your Off-Facebook Activity page from a computer. Here, you’ll find all the sites and services Facebook shares data with and vice-versa. From the list, click the sites you’re concerned about.
  • Click Manage Future Activity to disconnect information that businesses and organizations get about your interactions with them. FYI, this doesn’t stop Meta or companies from getting your data. It just breaks the connection between your identity and the data. 
  • Click Clear Previous Activity to disconnect your account from sites and services that may be currently following you. Note: When you revisit one of these sites and services, it’ll likely reconnect.

Pro tip: Want to cut the Meta AI cord completely? You must submit a request through Meta’s Generative AI Data Subject Rights page

They say it’s not a sure thing your info will be deleted — but it’s worth a shot. Crazy, right?

If enough people push back, maybe big tech will stop force-feeding us AI tools we didn’t ask for. Good thing you have me looking out for your privacy. Those companies aren’t going to.

Justin the robot barista

There’s just no way I’m going to tip a robot.

🤖 “So, uh, where do I find ChatGPT?” Use it on the web or download it for iPhone or Android. You’ll need to create an account. The free tier works for most people. Give it a whirl if you’ve never tried it.

🤖 ChatGPT warning: When you get info on ChatGPT, the results often include citation links. Click one and it might take you to scam central. Some links, like “County Local News,” are riddled with dodgy pop-ups pretending to be Adobe Flash updates or fake McAfee virus scans. Watch out!


There’s a whole lotta AI talk around here lately. Some people love it, some people hate it, and some people think we’ll all be replaced by AI robots. Today’s trivia: Which generation is most afraid of AI? Is it … A.) Gen Z, B.) Millennials, C.) Gen X, D.) Baby boomers or E.) The Silent Generation?

Find the answer here!

ChatGPT-4o can see everything

ChatGPT-4o dropped some of its newest features that are free to everyone! The odds that they charge for them in the future is high. They want to get you hooked now.

Customize your AI output: You can block certain words or phrases an AI chatbot is spitting out. Just type “–no [words]” in your prompt to exclude one or more. Note: Use exactly two hyphens and closing square brackets for it to work properly.

Better AI prompts: For creative work, tell AI to write for a certain reading level. For the general public, that’s around an eighth-grade level. (No one needs to struggle to read your marketing, website or email copy.)

AI is only as good as the prompts you give: Here are three quick ways to make yours better. First, give examples of what you want. Second, if you have an intended audience, say so. A note to your uncle and your boss should look quite different. Third, ask for a step-by-step response. It’s helpful for more complex questions, like, “How do I write a business plan?”

Overwhelmed? AI can help: Here’s a smart prompt for ChatGPT, Gemini or your fave chatbot. “I want to [fill in the blank], but I don’t know where to start. Can you help me by breaking it down into more manageable tasks?” Should’ve tried this before I decided to sort my entire closet. Argh.

Not shocked: Google’s AI-generated search results are dishing out some dangerous nonsense. When asked about “cheese not sticking to pizza,” the AI suggested adding glue to the sauce. It also responded to “health benefits of tobacco for tweens” with increased alertness, euphoria and relaxation. Uh‑oh.

Mind your AI manners: Saying “please” and “thank you” will get you more detailed and elaborate AI chatbot responses. Why? AI is trained on human interaction patterns. If you’re rude, the AI responds like a human would — short and less engaged. *Repeats inner mantra* It’s just a bot … It’s just a bot …

Bowser, meet your new robot friend

OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4o can “think,” write and talk in real-time. Check out this video to see it in action. Listen to that laugh! Crazy stuff.

Free AI test drive: Nothing has changed our lives quite like AI has — and will. That’s why you need to start using AI in your business before it’s too late. Take a free test drive of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure now at No one does data better than Oracle.

I vote for puns and pundits: Bipartisan lawmakers in Washington, D.C., finally drafted an AI plan — a 31-page “roadmap” that includes $32 billion of research and development. Then, the plan is to hand off the legislative work to Senate committees. I’m seriously thinking I should volunteer to help them out.

Just the facts, ma’am: Consensus is an AI search engine for finding gems in research papers. A free account includes unlimited searches. Neat!

🤗 Good news: After undergoing brain surgery to remove a tumor, a 21-year-old woman can speak again in a new way. OpenAI’s new Voice Engine recreated her voice using just a 15-second clip. Now, Alexis Bogan simply types words on her phone, and the AI speaks in real time. One of the first things Alexis did after regaining her voice? Order Starbucks. Amazing.

🤖 OpenAI’s GPT‑4o is here: The new model responds to spoken words in real time (kinda like a human) and can “sense” changes in your tone and mood. Show it a photo and it’ll describe what’s happening in that image. GPT‑4o is available in the free tier of ChatGPT, but if you pay $20 per month, you get five times the message limit. Today, Google will announce its new AI products. The web as we know it will never be the same.

Just plane awesome: Ever miss a connecting flight? Airlines are using AI to schedule planes to wait for late passengers, knowing everyone will still arrive on time. Those aboard? You’ll get real-time text messages about what’s happening. Plus, the AI pre-plans the most efficient routes, saving millions of gallons of fuel … and tons of pissed-off passengers.

Don’t stop “bereaving”: “Griefbots” resurrect loved ones by using AI for conversations and company, but researchers say they do more psychological harm than good. Remember, Psalm 23:4 says you have to “walk through the valley of the shadow of death.” You can’t walk around it, especially with AI.