Tips Apple


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Phone got you carsick?

🤢 Phone got you carsick? Apple found a way to get rid of motion sickness while you text. Hallelujah. Vehicle Motion Cues show animated dots on the edges of your iPhone or iPad screen that move with the car’s direction, tricking your brain and calming your queasy stomach. ETA: Later this year.

Tags: Apple, brain, car, iPad, iPhone, phone, screen, text, vehicle

WTH do I do now? Jim in Philly wrote to me because he downloaded an app that totally screwed up his phone — random ads everywhere. Sorry, Jim, but you need to do a full factory reset. It’s a royal pain in the rear, I know, but it’s the only way to ensure your phone is clear from adware and malware. After that, do like I do and get a solid AV software on your phone.


Do you know what you spend every year on your phone, TV and internet bills? If not, put on your guessing hat. How much does the average American spend annually on all three services combined? Is it … A.) $1,500, B.) $2,500, C.) $3,000 or D.) $4,000?

Find the answer here!

⏸️ Cheapskate pro tip: You can pause your internet and/or cable package if you’re going to be out of town for a while. So much better than paying full price. Get steps for your provider here. Bonus: You don’t need to turn in your cable boxes.

🔎 Tricky, tricky: Zoom in or out by holding down Ctrl on a PC and spinning your mouse scroll wheel up to zoom in and down to zoom out. Some websites and apps, such as Google Maps, let you zoom in and out simply by scrolling up and down. Beautiful.

Customize your own white noise: A Soft Murmur is free (yay, no ads!) and lets you make background noise just how you like it. Extra waves for me, please. I miss living in Maui!

Your eyes only: Make sure someone can’t open a doc on your PC. In MS Office and Google Docs, click the Help button in the menu bar. Click Help again, then type in Encrypt with Password. Your program of choice will walk you through the steps.

🆓 Free magazines: With an Amazon Prime account, you can access a rotating library of popular magazines free for 30 days. Check them out here. Titles include Wired, Popular Science, Reader’s Digest and Taste of Home. Score.

We may receive a commission when you buy through our links, but our reporting and recommendations are always independent and objective.

Need a brain break? Visit Wonders of Street View, an interactive map of some of the wackiest stuff on Google Maps in one place. Click “Random” in the top right corner for a new wonder. I spent too long exploring an abandoned mining town in Beaverhead County, Montana.

🔒 Use Facebook or Instagram? Meta changed its two-factor authentication rules to automatically “trust” any devices you’ve regularly used its apps on over the last two years. Disable this. Log in to either platform, then go to your Settings and click Account Center > Password and Security. Tap or click Two-factor Authentication to turn it off.

Your new side hustle? Digital notary! That is, if you’re in one of the 47 U.S. states that now allows notary publics to operate completely online. Once you’re certified, you can notarize docs from home at your convenience. Check out the requirements for your state on the National Notary Association’s website.