Tips Apple


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Baby- or snoop-proof your iPad

Baby- or snoop-proof your iPad: Activate Guided Access. Just triple-click the home button once you’re in the app you wish to lock, then triple-click again to exit and enter your passcode. Now, your kid can play a game or your pal can scroll photos — and nothing else.

Tags: access, app, home, home button, iPad, Now, photos, play

Stop those annoying political texts

Is your phone flooded with texts about “the state of our nation?” ‘Tis the season. As we get closer to the 2024 presidential election, political texts are only going to get worse. Here I am to save the day (and your sanity)!

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Find your family tree without compromising your data

Seven million 23andMe customers thought they were just getting insights into their family history — instead, they got their data hacked

It went beyond names and addresses. Hackers got their hands on DNA genotypes, predispositions to certain conditions and carrier status. And they were able to hunt down genetic relatives for millions of 23andMe customers. So scary.

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Free Blockbuster near you!

Check out for details on how to start your own.

🤖 ChatGPT warning: When you get info on ChatGPT, the results often include citation links. Click one and it might take you to scam central. Some links, like “County Local News,” are riddled with dodgy pop-ups pretending to be Adobe Flash updates or fake McAfee virus scans. Watch out!


Let’s do a fun math problem that’s stumping the internet. “A bat and a ball cost $1.10 in total. The bat costs $1.00 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?”

Find the answer here!

🧱 I just found out the Kool-Aid Man plays on a baseball team. He’s the pitcher. Sorry, I had to.

The fresh face of payday loans: Cash-advance apps

You get paid next week, but your credit card bill is due this week, and, oops, so is that new car payment. You’re only a few hundred bucks short — you just need a way to bridge the gap.

Unfortunately for you, there’s an app for that. Actually, there are dozens. They’re called cash-advance apps. And most things about them tick me off.

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You can’t delete Meta AI — Do this instead

If you’ve logged into Instagram or Facebook recently, you’ve probably noticed things look a little … different. 

Meta’s new AI-powered search window is right at the top of Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp. Think of it as Siri or Alexa for social media — without a cute name. 

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New contest idea💡

Would you share the newsletter – – with more friends if I gave this away?

Get your resume past the bots

Having a hard time finding a job? It might not be your experience level or education. It may be because ATS bots don’t like the words in your resume.