Big Tech is tracking your emails

I have three different work email addresses — and a Gmail address I set up when it launched in 2004. I could never score the handle again today, but after 20 years, that inbox is a mess.

It’s become my disposable email address for coupon codes, free signups and newsletters — pretty much, the nonessential things in my digital life.

For my personal email, I don’t want Big Tech tracking me. That’s why I wanted to tell you about an email solution to take back privacy that you’ll love, love, love.

If it’s free, you’re the product

Let’s look at what you hand out when you use that “free” email address from your internet service provider, whether it’s Google, Yahoo, AOL or some other Big Tech company. Remember, all of these are tracked and sold off to the highest bidder:

  • Phrases and particular words that appear most in your emails. Think for a moment about some topics in your email right now. These companies make more money off you when they have more data.
  • Your location and where your recipients are located, too. Again, it’s just more data points for them to sell!
  • Every single person you correspond with — business contacts, friends, family, doctors. Also, how often you exchange emails and what you talk about. Nothing is sacred when it comes to making money.
  • The specific time you’re most likely to open your emails, no matter if they’re spam or legit. That’s why the time you get a particular email may change.
  • Your website habits get pulled in, too. That includes your shopping, research, dating and even porn-watching habits. Yup, it’s all for sale and tied to your name and IP address.

Simply put, all the data in your email is gathered, tracked, recorded and sold. But hey, it’s free! Don’t like it? Do something about it.

My pick for privacy-first email

Back in the day, none of us blinked at handing out our email address to any form, site, company, salesperson or app that asked. Now that we know better, we can take that knowledge into a fresh inbox.

Don’t just make another Big Tech email account. That’s no solution.

My pick is StartMail. Plans include 20GB of storage (that’s a lot!) and unlimited aliases. You can encrypt your emails, and there aren’t any ads or tracking to deal with. Love that.

If you want to say goodbye to your old inbox altogether, StartMail has an easy-to-use migration tool that brings over your mail and contacts. Score. Or, if you prefer, consider it a new inbox for your VIPs only.

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Organize your inbox

Don’t let the junk take over your email. Take back your time with Clean Email instead.

I’d make a joke about Inbox Zero, but let’s be real – that is the joke! 

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Kim, does hitting ‘unsubscribe’ work?

Here’s the lowdown on how to stop getting emails you don’t want — without opening yourself up to more junk.

With reputable companies, clicking unsubscribe should do the trick. If you’re receiving newsletters or promotional emails from brands you know, they generally follow email marketing regulations.

For unsolicited spam from unknown senders, unsubscribing may indeed make things worse. By clicking that link, you inadvertently confirm your email address is active, which could lead to even more spam.

‘How do I know what to pick?’

Stick to familiar ground. If the email’s from a trusted source (think brands you’ve shopped with or newsletters you’ve signed up for), go ahead and hit “Unsubscribe.”

If it’s a random email about a long-lost prince or a miracle cure, steer clear of clicking the unsubscribe link. Mark the email as spam in your email client.

  • For Outlook: Select the messages you want to report as junk, then, from the top toolbar, select Report > Report Junk.
  • For Apple Mail: On your iPhone or iPad, swipe left on the message, tap More, then Move to Junk.
  • For Gmail: Select one or more emails, then click Report spam.

🕶️ And don’t forget to use your provider’s built-in features to keep your real email address private. Apple’s Hide My Email is sweet, and Gmail lets you create unlimited aliases. Here’s how to use both.

15 websites you’ll wish you knew about sooner

It’s been way too long since I shared a big list of handy websites. Dig in, and I’ll bet you’ll find at least a couple you just have to visit. (And none are advertisers — just sayin’.)

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Is the Amazon Influencer Program worth it?

Want to make extra money while the kids are at school? Need to save for an upcoming vacation? Say hello to the Amazon Influencer Program. Today, 37% of Amazon’s traffic is driven by influencers. That’s a lot of eyes and ears!

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We may receive a commission when you buy through our links, but our reporting and recommendations are always independent and objective.

Phones that emit the most (and least) radiation

“Kim, I’m concerned that my phone is going to give me cancer. My wife tells me I’m paranoid. What do you think? Thank you for your newsletters and shows. It helps me keep up with our two teens.” — Robert in San Antonio, Texas

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AI is for everyone: Prompts to help you with work, life, school and love

Think of AI as a digital Swiss Army Knife. It’s sharp, versatile and surprisingly handy. It sounds overwhelming if you’ve never tried ChatGPT, Bard or any other big options. Trust me when I say if you can use Google, you can use AI.

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Secure email account sharing without compromising privacy

When you live with someone, you make a heck of a lot of choices together — big choices, like, “Should we sell our house and move to Thailand?” and small choices, like, “Should we buy this new recycling bin?”

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5 dumb tech security mistakes you’re making

You might think you have a solid cybersecurity plan. You use strong passwords and defensive measures like VPNs and firewalls. But even the strongest shield gets dented from time to time.

It’s hard to remember all the settings you’ve adjusted and the passwords you’ve made over the years. Let this be your reminder to go in and make a few quick changes to protect yourself.

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Our favorite cleaning products to get your home sparkling

Over the next couple of days, the team and I are sharing what you’ve been asking me for all month: Shopping picks! The goal is to take all the dread out of checking all your people off your list.

Some of you will think this is weird, and others will shout, “Me too, Kim!” I love getting my house sparkling clean after Thanksgiving. I put on some tunes, scrub every corner and then the house is ready for Christmas decorations. Here are some tools to make it easier.

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20 Google Search tricks, hidden utilities, games and freebies

Remember when talking to yourself would bring weird looks? In the era of earbuds, it’s totally normal. Using your voice can make an annoying task like writing up a letter or outline a lot easier. Try these dictation tricks in Microsoft Word or Google Docs that make it much better.

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Make this change if your browser is slowing down to a crawl

Quick! What’s the one app you use more than just about any other? I bet it’s your browser. It takes you everywhere online. But with countless extensions and tools, not to mention the complexity of today’s websites, we’re working them to death.

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Plug in your address to see if you’re overpaying for internet

Your router is years old, but you don’t think about it because it just sits there, pumping connection to your devices. Before you upgrade, know this: You need one that’s Wi-Fi 6 ready.

Maybe your router and modem are fine until your internet gives out. Here’s the right way to reset things. Don’t just unplug, plug it back in immediately and call it good!

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iPhone 15, MagSafe upgrades, Apple Watch: Everything we’re expecting from Apple’s next reveal

The leaves change colors, you grab a scarf, pumpkin spice is back and Apple has a big announcement — all classic signs of fall. Sept. 12 is Wonderlust — yeah, Apple’s naming them now. I know. 

Fear not if your eyes glaze over at yet another camera and processor chip upgrade. Apple’s big promos can start to feel a little same-old, same-old, but some big things are coming this year. Here’s what my grapevine is vining about.

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Your phone tracks everywhere you’ve been – See (and delete) it

Google knows more about you than your best friends. That includes (if you have the correct settings enabled) where you go and even the pictures you take at that location.

You have to check out this map. It’s stunning to see your history laid out in one spot.

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Realistic dolls with unreal price tags

When I first read about groups of people who get together online to exchange stories, videos and pictures of baby dolls that cost $20,000 or more, I was like, “That’s nuts.” I wanted to learn more about it, and now that I do, I understand this viral trend.

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Privacy tip: How to delete cookies from your phone

Make no mistake: You’re being tracked. Want to be shocked? Look at the secret map on your smartphone that watches your every move. Tap or click here to see the map tracking you and wipe it clean.

What about advertisements that follow you across the web? Facebook is one of the biggest data hogs. Tap or click for ways to stop or limit targeted ads on Facebook.

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Hiding your email address is smart if you care about privacy

Inbox clutter is a significant problem for everyone, but it’s not our fault. It’s those companies that keep signing us up for newsletters we don’t want (though the Komando newsletter is well worth it!). Rather than just unsubscribing to all those inbox intruders, why not hide your email address so they never find it in the first place?

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10 tech freebies to grab now: Software, phone service, logos and more

There’s never a dull moment when you own your own business. You don’t report to anyone but are on the hook for all the big decisions. You have complete control over what you spend your money on, but the bills never stop coming. Tap or click for small business tips that will save you money.

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4 tools to easily create and share memes

Memes and emojis express our thoughts and emotions in a way words just can’t. The perfect meme can elevate your mood or put a laugh on someone’s face when needed.

Millions of memes circulate on the internet, and you can grab quite a few good ones from social media. But you can’t always find the perfect one, even with so many choices.

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