Best apps to troubleshoot your bad Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi is one of the most precious commodities we use daily. Everything is right with the world when it’s running smoothly. But when there’s any disruption, it can feel like a day-ruining experience, especially if you work from home. Tap or click here for essential work-from-home tips.

It’s not always apparent why you’re having issues with Wi-Fi. If you’re having internet problems, it could be several things. Your router or modem could be on the fritz, your ISP could be performing maintenance at the time, or everything from your phone to computer could be malfunctioning.

It could even be someone stealing your internet that’s crowding your bandwidth. With that in mind, here are ways to troubleshoot Wi-Fi issues with handy apps.

Apps that can help you troubleshoot Wi-Fi issues

Wi-Fi analyzer apps are crucial troubleshooting tools that show how strong your signal is, how congested your network is and the available networks around you. This will allow you to pinpoint any potential issue to bolster your connection or get it up and running again.

RELATED: Find free Wi-Fi anywhere (but follow our No. 1 public network security rule)

Here are two options to get you started for both iOS and Android.


Opensignal for iOS and Android operates off a massive database with hundreds of cell towers that can help map the coverage you need to check. You can use it to analyze the best spot in your home for a strong connection and rifle through information about your wireless connection and those around you.

It also performs speed tests to see how well your internet is working. Signals can fluctuate, so it’s best to keep checking your performance.

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3 simple ways to make your Wi-Fi faster and more stable

Game time. Work time. Chill time. All rely on lightning-fast Wi-Fi. Little is more frustrating than slow internet.

Many things can cause your connection to falter from unauthorized users to a poorly-placed router and even an outdated modem. What’s the best way to get faster internet? We can help.

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Classic sounds kids of today probably have never heard

Do you remember the distinctive sound a dial-up modem made in the early days of the internet? Those beeps and boops are no longer common, and that’s just one noise kids today will never hear.

Quiz: Fix your bad Wi-Fi with the right router

Pop quiz: What’s the most important piece of tech in your house that helps you get online? If you guessed router, you’re right on the money — and if your router isn’t fast or powerful enough, you might not get the coverage you need in every room.

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Fix your Wi-Fi: 10 ways to get faster speeds

You’re relaxing on your sofa with a bowl of popcorn and a remote. You start to stream a popular show, but the dreaded buffering circle rears its ugly head. Nothing is playing, so you whip out the nearest internet-connected device and type, “How to get faster speeds for streaming” or “Tips to speed up a slow streaming service” into the search bar.

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Stop renting your modem and buy one instead - Here's why

Anyone who has ever set up at-home internet knows the importance of a modem and router. You may not know how many options you have when shopping for these gadgets, though. Many folks just rent a modem/router combo from their internet service provider since the costs of buying one can seem too high.

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Want faster satellite internet? The price of Starlink's new tier is out of this world

If you live in a busy city, you can be excused for taking fast, reliable internet service for granted. Internet service providers prefer densely populated areas for the more extensive potential customer base, which means more subscribers.

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8 proven ways cheap people lower their monthly internet, cable, and streaming bills

The average American will pay $32,400 for internet access throughout a lifetime. This number, calculated by researchers at, doesn’t even include today’s big dogs. I’m talking about your cable, streaming, cellphone and other subscriptions.

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Wi-Fi slow? Best ways to fix Wi-Fi problems

There are plenty of reasons your Wi-Fi keeps slowing down: signal congestion, router location, firmware issues, hardware limitations or even the physical size of your home. Then again, it could just be your neighbors.

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Sick of slow internet? How to check you’re getting what you pay for

We all know the pain of “slow” internet: videos buffer, downloads take ages, and a single page can take forever to load. We wonder whether it’s our browser, our device, or the website we’re visiting.

It could be your Wi-Fi signal. Wireless networks are notorious for connection problems. Tap or click for ways to boost your Wi-Fi coverage for good, including changing the router’s channel, which hardly anyone does.

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20 problem-solving gadgets that'll help make your tech troubles disappear

When is the last time your phone died while you were running errands? Have you shattered any phone screens lately? These common issues pop up for all of us, at least every once in a while. The thing is, they don’t have to be problems at all. There are some easy ways to keep your phone from dying or your screen from shattering into hundreds of tiny pieces, but it’s tough to know what they are.

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The only way tech pros reboot their routers

When your modem or router screech to a halt, it can lead to webpages that won’t load, streaming videos that keep buffering, and blood pressure to shoot through the roof.

The common solution in these scenarios is to restart the router or modem to get back on track. And, in many cases, it’s common to rip the plugs out of the back and hope that when it’s plugged back in, things will work like they’re supposed to. Tap or click here for better Wi-Fi.

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7 steps to lower your internet bill

COVID-19 has drastically slashed most Americans’ budgets, and we’re all starting to feel the squeeze. More than 700,000 jobs were lost in March alone, and some analysts believe we’ll hit a national unemployment rate of 20% by June.

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5 ways to speed up your internet connection now

Feel like your internet is lagging? If more people are home than normal and using it constantly, that might be the problem. The good news is, you can probably fix it.

First, check your internet speed. Click or tap here for ways to check your internet speed. Does it match the service you pay for each month? If not, try resetting your modem or router, and see if that improves things.

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Cable companies are adding hundreds in hidden fees to your bill every year

If you are part of the 96% of consumers who report hidden fees as a nuisance, there are some steps you can take to avoid the costs.

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GPS tracking technology could curb domestic violence

Do you have a minute? That sixty seconds, a mere moment of each day, is all it takes for an average of 24 people to fall victim to acts of physical violence, rape or stalking by an intimate partner. While that number may not seem high, once calculated out, it represents 12 million women and men each year.

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Will hooking up two or more routers speed up my internet?

Faster internet is coming, but not fast enough. But there are things you can do to get a better connection at home. I’ll show you how to speed things up.

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3 simple tricks for smoother video streaming

You’re settled comfortably on the couch for a family movie night or a marathon session of your favorite TV series. Without warning, your relaxing night turns into a nightmare as the streaming internet video keeps pausing to buffer. Fortunately, I can help you fix your video streaming problems so cable can stay a distant memory.

Is your dream of fast, high-quality Internet video streaming turning into a nightmare? Here’s how to fix it.

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Best routers to fix your Wi-Fi using the new mesh networks

Oh, the frustrating challenges of an inconsistent Wi-Fi connection. There are plenty of reasons your Wi-Fi keeps dropping at your home or office – signal congestion, physical location, firmware issues, hardware limitations or maybe your space is just too big for your router coverage. If the latter is the case, you can try setting up network extenders to cover dead spot rooms. Although cheap, the downside with network extenders is that they are slower than your main Wi-Fi connection.

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Share your Wi-Fi secretly

“What’s the Wi-Fi password?” If you’re like us, you’ve heard this shouted throughout your house many times. It might be your kid or grandchild, or their friends. Or, worse, you might find yourself shouting it, too.

It’s a hassle to remember passwords, and it’s unsettling to just hand out your password to everyone. That’s not secure, and do you really want your neighbors stealing the Wi-Fi you’re paying for?

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