Big Tech is tracking your emails

I have three different work email addresses — and a Gmail address I set up when it launched in 2004. I could never score the handle again today, but after 20 years, that inbox is a mess.

It’s become my disposable email address for coupon codes, free signups and newsletters — pretty much, the nonessential things in my digital life.

For my personal email, I don’t want Big Tech tracking me. That’s why I wanted to tell you about an email solution to take back privacy that you’ll love, love, love.

If it’s free, you’re the product

Let’s look at what you hand out when you use that “free” email address from your internet service provider, whether it’s Google, Yahoo, AOL or some other Big Tech company. Remember, all of these are tracked and sold off to the highest bidder:

  • Phrases and particular words that appear most in your emails. Think for a moment about some topics in your email right now. These companies make more money off you when they have more data.
  • Your location and where your recipients are located, too. Again, it’s just more data points for them to sell!
  • Every single person you correspond with — business contacts, friends, family, doctors. Also, how often you exchange emails and what you talk about. Nothing is sacred when it comes to making money.
  • The specific time you’re most likely to open your emails, no matter if they’re spam or legit. That’s why the time you get a particular email may change.
  • Your website habits get pulled in, too. That includes your shopping, research, dating and even porn-watching habits. Yup, it’s all for sale and tied to your name and IP address.

Simply put, all the data in your email is gathered, tracked, recorded and sold. But hey, it’s free! Don’t like it? Do something about it.

My pick for privacy-first email

Back in the day, none of us blinked at handing out our email address to any form, site, company, salesperson or app that asked. Now that we know better, we can take that knowledge into a fresh inbox.

Don’t just make another Big Tech email account. That’s no solution.

My pick is StartMail. Plans include 20GB of storage (that’s a lot!) and unlimited aliases. You can encrypt your emails, and there aren’t any ads or tracking to deal with. Love that.

If you want to say goodbye to your old inbox altogether, StartMail has an easy-to-use migration tool that brings over your mail and contacts. Score. Or, if you prefer, consider it a new inbox for your VIPs only.

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3 reasons you shouldn't go another day without antivirus software

If you don’t have antivirus software, you’re putting every internet-connected gadget you own at risk. Something as simple as an unchanged router password can be an entry point for an invader to shut down your phone or even taunt your children through a security camera or smart speaker.

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🛳️ Cruisin’ together

Five little essentials to pack for your voyage on the high seas — or, really, any summer vacay:

  • Pocket-sized router: Think of a travel router as your own private hub on the ship’s network. Pay for the internet for one device but share it using this. Score: Under $34 right now.
  • Outlets for everyone: Buyer beware: Cruise staff will confiscate regular surge protectors. Opt for this cruise-approved model with three outlets, two USB-A ports and two USB-C ports — now 29% off ($9.98). 
  • Li’l nightlight: Cruise cabins get dark at night. Light your path to the loo with a motion sensor nightlight that runs on AAA batteries. Right now, it’s 25% off ($17.99).
  • Hangin’ out: Hang your towels, shirts, toiletry bag, sunnies — whatever ya got — on these super-strong magnetic hooks.
  • Cruise juice: A dead phone battery on an off-ship excursion? What a disaster. This portable power bank is 40% off ($17.99).

We may receive a commission when you buy through our links, but our reporting and recommendations are always independent and objective.

⏸️ Cheapskate pro tip: You can pause your internet and/or cable package if you’re going to be out of town for a while. So much better than paying full price. Get steps for your provider here. Bonus: You don’t need to turn in your cable boxes.

OpenAI's GPT-4: A near knockout punch for Google


Open/download audio

Has there ever been a bigger battle than Google versus ChatGPT? Get ready, because the internet is about to change forever.

Competition is a win for consumers: AT&T and AST SpaceMobile are joining forces to provide internet service from space. The deal runs through 2030. Starlink has a similar arrangement with T‑Mobile. More competition = Cheaper prices. Love when that happens!


Author and Austinite Nick Gray had the crazy idea to combine a blind date with a vacation — his treat. He went viral when he posted his proposal on X, and over 400 women applied. Where did he take the lucky lady: A.) Rome, B.) Tokyo, C.) Las Vegas or D.) Sydney?

Find out here!

600,000 routers

Destroyed in 72 hours by a mysterious hacker. In October 2023, thousands of Windstream internet customers reported their routers had suddenly gone dark. A new security report reveals it was a targeted attack using a single piece of malware anyone can find online. The who and why are both still a mystery.

How to deal with a cyberstalker

Let me tell you, more and more victims of cyberstalking are reaching out to me for advice using my Ask Kim page. Here’s one note I received recently from P.W. in Oklahoma:

“I’ve been cyberstalked for three years. I recently discovered it was my roommate. I moved out and he launched another attack. He’s on my and my fiance’s phones, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth — everything. He has stolen financial data, pictures, erased accounts, taken over emails and harassed me through VOIP. … He admitted to sitting outside our house all night. I thought he was spying on me. Now I know he was also gaining access to my Wi-Fi. I can’t do this anymore and need expert advice/help terribly.”

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Scam texts to watch for - And my trick to stop them

“You coming?” “You’re owed $23,060!” “Your package is stuck at the warehouse.”

I’ll give you one guess what these lines have in common. Yep, they’re scam texts — and the scariest part is these kinds of cons work.

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18 years old

The age of Kabosu, the “doge” that inspired a cryptocurrency. The beloved Shiba Inu pup passed away in May 2024, leaving millions of internet fans to mourn her — and, at its peak, a $90 billion dogecoin empire as her legacy. In the aftermath of FTX, the price of dogecoin has fallen nearly 400%, but Kabosu lives on in the big Coinbase in the sky.


Do you know what you spend every year on your phone, TV and internet bills? If not, put on your guessing hat. How much does the average American spend annually on all three services combined? Is it … A.) $1,500, B.) $2,500, C.) $3,000 or D.) $4,000?

Find the answer here!

Little Tokes: The internet is swarming with fake Little Tikes websites. Ads on Google, Instagram and Facebook offer amazing “deals” but link to lookalike sites with hard-to-catch typos. Yeah, you never get what you order. Be safe: The official site is


What percentage of American adults met their partner or spouse online? Is it … A.) 10%, B.) 20%, C.) 30% or D.) 40%?

Find the answer here

Using free antivirus? Beware of companies that sell your data or even plant malware

Saving money can be easy. Simple things like eating dinner at home more often than going to your favorite restaurant or skipping that daily $6 latte can really add up. You’ll have your next vacation paid for in no time.

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3 steps to protect your kids from identity theft

Last year, a Hawaii couple was convicted of living for decades under the identities of dead babies. Stories like this always disgust me, but after this long in tech, they don’t surprise me.

Crooks have no shame, folks: 2% of identity theft cases reported to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) last year involved the personal info of Americans age 19 or younger. Many more go unreported, partly because they aren’t discovered until the victim attempts to apply for their first loan or credit card.

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In northern Virginia (paywall link), internet data and AI centers are using so much electricity old coal plants are being fired back up. Yup, those very same plants we closed because of air pollutants, such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and particulate matter. Cue a $5.2 billion project for new power lines stretching across state lines.

49.6% of internet traffic is generated by bots

That’s up 2% from last year. The result? Billions in losses to fight fake traffic and bot attacks. That’s one thing I love about writing this newsletter — I’m writing for real people!

Have a kiddo between the ages of 7 to 12 in the family? Share Google’s Be Internet Awesome, a crash course in internet safety and smarts. There are even slides for teachers or community or church leaders to share.

Zooma-zoom-zoom: Free internet speed tests help determine whether you’re genuinely getting your advertised rates. A good one is (Note: Do not go to the one ending with .com.) It measures stats like ping time and the download and upload speeds of your connection.