Speed up your internet for free

Some of the most frequent questions we get are about computer speed and internet speed. Seems lots of folks don’t care much for waiting and waiting – and waiting some more – for the video to load, the movie to download or the upload to send. We don’t blame them. Even now, sometimes the internet can seem horribly slow. But before you commit to paying your internet provider for a faster connection, let’s see if we can help you speed up the connection you have right now.

Browsing the web is as easy as opening your browser and typing in a web address, like our site at komando.com. In seconds, you’re learning all sorts of great information or watching fun videos.

Or, at least it should take only a few seconds.

Of course, sometimes it takes longer than we’d like to pull up a website. There are plenty of reasons for slowdowns. It could just be you aren’t getting the internet speed your provider promised. Click here to see if that’s the case. If that’s not it, there’s another technical wizardry going on behind the browsing scenes that could be the culprit. There’s one thing in particular that can give your internet a real speed boost with little effort. We’re talking about your DNS, or domain name system. If you’re a longtime reader, you’ve probably heard the term before. But for everyone else, here’s a quick explanation.

What is a domain name system?

Every computer and mobile gadget has an IP address. This is what identifies it to other computers, and website servers are no different.��Google.com’s IP address, for example, is “”. If that isn’t hard enough to remember, newer IPv6 addresses look like this: “2001:db8::1234:ace:6006:1e”. Who’s going to remember that?

That’s why websites also have more recognizable names, like komando.com. A DNS, also called a nameserver, is like the phone book of the internet. It turns the memorable names that you use into those complicated IP addresses that computers use.

When you sign up for internet, your provider assigns you to its DNS server. However, that isn’t always the best one to use. It could be bogged down with traffic, running inefficient software or any number of other problems. If your computer can’t look up IP addresses quickly, it seriously slows down your browsing. Fortunately, there are other DNS servers out there you can use.

Keep in mind that speed isn’t the only reason to choose a new DNS. Many DNS systems include filtering to block inappropriate websites or other sites you don’t want to see.

What DNS is best for you?

The big question is how to find a new DNS and how to know if it will be any better than your current one. Google has a solution called namebench.

This lightweight program will test your DNS against other popular DNS servers. Once it finishes the comparison, it will give you detailed statistics on performance and recommend the best DNS for you to use.

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Find out if your neighbors are stealing your Wi-Fi

When it comes to Wi-Fi, criminals are looking for ways to get in. The worst part is, it’s not that hard for someone to use your Wi-Fi to connect to the internet, especially if you haven’t changed your password. They’re also slowing down your internet connection, and it could be a cybercriminal who’s using your Wi-Fi to conduct illegal activities. The cops will come knocking on your door.

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FTC’s warning to read the fine print before using VPN apps

Do you use a VPN service? We always talk about the benefits of a VPN since it is a good way to boost your online security and privacy especially when connected to public Wi-Fi. However, the Federal Trade Commission is warning users to read the fine print and the user agreements first before using a VPN app.

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Test your internet connection speed using Netflix's free tool

Netflix streaming relies entirely on high-speed Internet connections, which is why the company has a tool that allows users to easily test their speed.

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Slow Wi-Fi? Check for thieves and bandwidth bandits

Internet problems? The issue could be with your service provider or maybe your router is running slow and a simple reboot could fix it. Or, it might be something a bit more devious. Someone could be stealing your internet, taking valuable bandwidth and leaving your gadgets almost nonfunctional.

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Best Routers, Low Airfares, Facebook Privacy, Dangerous Cellphones, and More

In my weekly Q&A, I answer my listeners’ most important questions. Learn about the latest cellphone dangers, speeding up your router and more.

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Share your Wi-Fi secretly

“What’s the Wi-Fi password?” If you’re like us, you’ve heard this shouted throughout your house many times. It might be your kid or grandchild, or their friends. Or, worse, you might find yourself shouting it, too.

It’s a hassle to remember passwords, and it’s unsettling to just hand out your password to everyone. That’s not secure, and do you really want your neighbors stealing the Wi-Fi you’re paying for?

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3 ways to save money on your internet bill right now

If you feel like you never have enough money, your two options are to make more or spend less. I’m always looking for ways to share with you to help you make money on the side, on your schedule. Today, though, we’re going to talk about how to save money.

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