The mistake slowing down your connection and killing your phone

It’s a cozy evening, and you just started streaming your favorite show. But, as the plot thickens, your Wi-Fi takes an unexpected hiatus. Annoying, right?

Before you unplug your router, look at your smartphone. The culprit could be apps chowing down on precious bandwidth.

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What’s the big deal?

You’ve probably seen notifications you’re using too much data. Besides getting charged more, why does it matter? Glad you asked.

  • Wi-Fi performance: Data hogs slow you down big time. Identifying and monitoring bandwidth-hungry apps on your iPhone or Android will improve your Wi-Fi speeds and reduce latency.
  • Limited plans: Not everyone has unlimited data. Keeping an eye on which apps are using your Wi-Fi could save you from surprise fees.
  • Not enough to go around: Smart home devices (think cameras or voice assistants) rely on a stable Wi-Fi connection. Managing bandwidth-intensive apps helps them run more smoothly, too. The more devices you have and rely on daily, the more this matters.
  • Battery life: High-bandwidth apps can drain your Android or iPhone’s battery quickly. Catching them sooner might even extend your phone’s lifespan over the long run.

How to check

Now, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty of how to detect those sneaky Wi-Fi bandits on your Android or iPhone.

For Android

  • Open the Settings app > Connections.
  • Tap Data usage followed by Wi-Fi data usage.

As I’m constantly reminded, steps vary depending on your phone. If that doesn’t work, search your settings for Wi-Fi or Data.

You’ll see each app and how much bandwidth it’s used over the last month. Android lets you go up to four months back for an even more detailed overview. Select the dates at the top of the screen, and voila!

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Tech pro tip: How to prioritize devices on your Wi-Fi

We’ve all blamed our internet speed for YouTube buffering. But guess what? The main culprit is often the army of gadgets hogging your Wi-Fi. 

It might be your spouse streaming three sports games at the same time, your kid downloading a new video game or your roommate binge-watching their favorite show.

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If your Wi-Fi stinks, your phone might be to blame

It’s a cozy Friday evening, and you just started streaming your favorite show. But, as the plot thickens, your Wi-Fi takes an unexpected hiatus. Annoying, right?

Before you unplug your router, look to your smartphone. The culprit could be apps chowing down on precious bandwidth.

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Say goodbye to bad Wi-Fi: Solutions for smooth browsing

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How to check what's hogging your internet connection

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Best apps to troubleshoot your bad Wi-Fi

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Free online tool shows where your Mac apps are connecting

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5 common mistakes that are slowing down your Wi-Fi

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Tech Tip: Set your browser to start fresh or reopen your tabs on startup

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Sick of spotty internet? The best Wi-Fi extenders and where to place them

Did you know spotty Wi-Fi in your home can be the result of bad router placement or too many connected devices? If you have concrete, masonry, thick timber walls or metal objects near your router, that can also impede your signal.

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Try this handy calculator that shows how much internet you really need

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Sick of slow internet? How to check you’re getting what you pay for

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It could be your Wi-Fi signal. Wireless networks are notorious for connection problems. Tap or click for ways to boost your Wi-Fi coverage for good, including changing the router’s channel, which hardly anyone does.

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Half of Americans don't know their internet data caps - How to check yours

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Netflix for Android just got a big upgrade - here's how to use it

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Are your neighbors stealing your internet? Here's what to do about it

You’re at home ready to stream the latest episode of your favorite show. The popcorn is popped, you’re in your favorite spot and everything is perfect. When you fire up Netflix, though, the video is fuzzy and keeps buffering. Is your internet provider slowing things down? Maybe.

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5 ways to speed up your internet connection now

Feel like your internet is lagging? If more people are home than normal and using it constantly, that might be the problem. The good news is, you can probably fix it.

First, check your internet speed. Click or tap here for ways to check your internet speed. Does it match the service you pay for each month? If not, try resetting your modem or router, and see if that improves things.

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Boost your Wi-Fi with this simple trick that won't break the bank

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If you have a D-Link or Linksys router, you’ve probably been hacked

Millions of Americans are pitching in to help flatten the curve and slow the spread of this coronavirus pandemic. One of the best ways to do this is when you can stay home, stay home.

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This is why YouTube's video quality just got worse and how to fix it

Updated 03/24/2020 – YouTube announced that starting this week it will reduce the quality of video playback on its site for everyone around the globe for one month. This is an effort to ease the stress on internet networks due to the massive number of people online during the coronavirus pandemic. You can still watch videos in HD but you have to change the setting manually. We’ll tell you how to adjust this setting in the next section.

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