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5 words to spot AI content


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It’s becoming tougher to tell if an article was written by a human or an AI. So how can you figure it out? Look for these key signs to help you spot the difference.

Check if you're part of security breach


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Seems like there’s a new security breach every other day. Have you been affected? Here’s what you need to do.

Free ways to stream movies


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Tired of those expensive streaming subscriptions? You’re not alone. Good news: there are plenty of free streaming options like Freevee, Pluto, Tubi, and more! 

3 podcasts to fall asleep to


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You’re in your pajamas, ready for bed, but can’t fall asleep. Try this trick: listen to a podcast.

A phone reset is not good enough


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Trying to sell your old phone? Remember to take these privacy steps before you hand it off.

App to track mosquitos


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Are you a bite magnet? Here’s an app to spot when pesky mosquitos are most active. 

Prime Day skepticism


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Curious why Google searches for “Is Prime Day a scam?” skyrocketed by 300% in just 24 hours? Here’s the scoop.

Can IT detect your mouse jiggler?


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Employees are using keyboard simulators and mouse jigglers to appear busy, but workplaces are catching on.

Don't hand your voice to your bank


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Voice cloning scams are on the rise, and fraudsters are targeting your bank. Here’s why you should protect your voice.

That Social Security email isn't a scam


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If you got an email from the Social Security Administration this week, you might be tempted to toss it in the trash. But here’s why you shouldn’t and what you should do next.

How to change an AirTag battery


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Is your tracker running low on juice? No need to buy a new one for $29 — just replace the battery for a few bucks!

Don't put your laptop in the fridge


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Is your computer running hot? You might think putting it in a cool spot will help. It might, but it could also ruin your computer.

3 weird things you can book online


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Sure, you can get an Uber or a hotel stay, but there’s so much more you can rent. I have a list of some of the craziest ones.

How to maximize your Airbnb profits


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Got a listing? Here are ways to make more money from it. 

Best apps for gardening


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Want to start a garden but not sure where to begin? Start with your phone!

3 ways to spot a 'ghost job'


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You have the perfect resume for the job, so why aren’t you getting any interview calls? Here’s a little-known fact: the job might not even exist.

Medical claim denied? Take this next step


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Your medical claim gets rejected, sticking you with a hefty bill and no explanation. But don’t worry, there’s a hidden trick you can use to fight back.

Get the old Google back


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Google’s results are a mess, but you can go back to how things used to be.

Protect your phone from snoops


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When your face unlocks your phone, there’s always a chance someone can get in without your permission.

Don't buy fake supplements on Amazon


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There are way too many examples of counterfeit supplements being sold on Amazon. I’ll warn you what to look for. Your health could be on the line.