When the bank asks for a voice sample, say no


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Banks are pushing for voice biometrics as a way to protect your accounts, but there’s a catch. 

The age of websites comes to a close


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Artificial intelligence is quickly transforming how we use the internet. If you rely on Google Search for clicks to your website, you might be in for a surprise.

The gold bar scam


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There’s a scam raking in $3 billion a year in America. It’s not just targeting seniors; even tech-savvy people are getting duped.

Company you've never heard of brought down the world


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A routine software update ended up causing millions of computers worldwide to crash with the infamous blue screen of death. Here’s the scoop — and how it impacts you. 

Everything old is new again


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Remember when Amazon’s Kindle was the hottest gadget on the block, selling out in just five hours in 2007? It’s making a surprising comeback, here’s the scoop. 

Smartphones in school? Not so fast


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Giving your kid a smartphone is meant to keep them safe and connected. But now, schools are pushing back, saying they cause more harm than good. 

This antivirus software is a danger to national security


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Kaspersky, a Moscow-based cybersecurity company, was just banned in the U.S. If you use its popular antivirus software, here’s why it’s time to ditch it.

Big Brother controls your driving


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Should the government keep an eye on your driving habits? It’s starting in Europe, and it might be headed our way soon.

When social media can't lie


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When Donald Trump was shot, a photo captured the bullet mid-flight. It’s now a rare instance of a picture shared on social media — before anyone could fake it.

Self-driving cars do not drive themselves


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Can you really trust your car’s self-driving mode? Turns out, study after study shows it’s not as safe as you might think.

Tesla - What a difference a year makes


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In just a year, Tesla’s sales have plummeted, and cars sit unsold. The once-mighty market leader is now humbled.

You're a target for AI voice scams


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Imagine a call from a loved one in distress. Even if it’s their voice, how can you be sure it’s not a scam?

The rise of the restaurant robots


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We’ve all heard the predictions that robots would take our jobs. Well, for fast food workers, that day has arrived.

FBI shuts down 1,000 Russian bots on X


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The presidential election is heating up, and disinformation is everywhere. Stick to trusted news sources and always question what you read.

Why you might want to skip Airbnb


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What happens when hosts are caught spying on guests? Here’s how Airbnb usually responds. 

Don't fall for political donation fraud


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As election day approaches, scammers are coming up with new ways to steal your money. Here’s what you need to watch out for.

The job you applied for online might be fake


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Looking for a new job? Before you get bummed you never heard back, know that not every post is real.

Apple Watch medical revolution


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More and more healthcare professionals are using Apple’s tech as a way to treat illness and disease.

FedEx is spying on you


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Wait, what? That truck out front isn’t just delivering a package to you or your neighbor.

The post office delivery scam


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Did you get a text about a package from the post office or FedEx? Stop and think. This message could be a dangerous scam.