Teenage mutant bullies

🚫 Teenage mutant bullies: Kids at Great Valley Middle School in Pennsylvania created fake TikTok accounts to impersonate their teachers, posting lewd pics, racist memes and homophobic statements (paywall link). They were suspended. It’s got to be so hard for a teacher today.

Tags: accounts, kids, Link, memes, paywall, school, teachers, TikTok

Your network is a target for hackers

“That would never happen to me.” That’s probably what these people thought.

And don’t forget the countless other stories of home security cameras being hacked.

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Hackers just stole 10 billion unique passwords

You might want to sit down for this one. Hackers posted a file named RockYou2024[.]txt to a dark web forum on July 4. The file includes a mind-numbing 9,948,575,739 passwords.

Wondering if this attack puts you at risk? Yup, it does. The RockYou2024 leak is made up of passwords from both old and new data breaches.

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Finding stolen cars on Facebook

You can never be too careful when it comes to your stuff. I suggest putting an Airtag or Tile in your car so you’re always covered. I did it!

6 feet longer

The average length of great white sharks near Norfolk Island compared to elsewhere. Why are sharks supersized in this part of the South Pacific? It’s thanks to their unique diet of seabirds. At dusk, thousands of birds float in groups just off the coast, making them easy prey for mega sharks to sink their teeth into and vanish into fin air.

Top tech myths you need to stop worrying about

Let’s bust some tech myths wide open! I’ve heard them all, and it’s time to set the record straight to keep you ahead of the game.

Myth: 5G causes cancer.

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Police pull over a Waymo driving on the wrong side of the road

Waymo says the vehicle was confused by construction signs and stayed in the oncoming lane for 30 seconds because “it was blocked from navigating back into the correct lane.” Luckily, no one was hurt.

$5 million

Fine for fake plastic surgery reviews. Seattle-based Dr. Javad Sajan will pay restitution to 21,000 victims after he forced them to sign nondisclosure agreements and threatened them when they left bad reviews. If you’re getting a life-changing procedure, do your research — and not just on the doc’s website.

100-degree heat

Cuts your EV’s driving range by 31%. It’s all based on the outside-versus-inside temp; 100 degrees is 30 degrees above a comfortable 70-degree interior. A 10-degree winter day puts you 60 degrees below 70, and so it sucks up 51% of your battery to keep you warm. That’s nearly a full percentage point per degree!

What I'm watching this weekend

The movie ‘Thelma’ follows a 93-year-old on a mission to get back $10,000 from a phone scammer. The scam is 100% real. A crook used an AI voice clone to pose as Thelma’s grandson in jail. Luckily, the real Thelma was smart enough to call her kids, who stopped her from sending the money.

Ammo sold in vending machines

Oklahoma and Alabama now have AI-powered vending machines that don’t dispense snacks; they sell bullets. American Rounds says their facial-scanning tech can verify the age of a buyer. I’m sure it’ll be able to detect if someone’s wearing a mask or a ton of makeup, too, right?