Celeb appreciation

🌟 Celeb appreciation: Morgan Freeman thanked fans on X for exposing a TikTokker using AI to mimic his voice. The woman pretending to be his “nepo niece” (a relative who benefits from someone’s fame) used fake Morgan to narrate her day-in-the-life video. The clip pulled in hundreds of thousands of likes. Crazy.

Tags: AI, benefits, fans, Life, likes, video, X

Is your tech tattling? Here's how to check

Sometimes, your favorite gadgets betray you. No, I’m not talking about when your phone dies at 3 p.m. I mean like the British guy whose wife found text messages to a prostitute on his iPhone that he thought he’d deleted. Now he’s suing Apple for $6 million.

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Get free alerts before you get hit by real estate scams

You have to hear this one. A Minnesota woman recently got a shocking phone call. Her husband had dirty financial laundry: An unpaid loan from years ago. The caller told her they were putting a lien against their home.

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No more touchscreens in your car!

Distracted driving is one of the leading causes for accidents across the country, and now touch screens are to blame.


In which major U.S. city do Uber drivers make the most money?

Find the answer here!

$15 billion investment

From Mercedes, with a chunk of that going toward “high-tech combustion technology.” Yep, gas cars. Audi, Porsche and Toyota are hitting the brakes (sorry) on EVs, too. They’re not stopping development, though — just pouring less money into it.

Watch out for scam ads on social

Scammers are upgrading their tactics. The latest scam uses enticing ads featuring AI art, making everyone think they too can be a content creator.


For a souped-up Land Rover Defender … that’ll probably break down. Fans of the Defender are modifying iconic older models notorious for mechanical issues. One guy dropped six figures (paywall link) to trick out his 1986 Defender. Meanwhile, his gas gauge still doesn’t work. 🤦

310 miles

Of conveyor belt could replace 25,000 cargo trucks in Japan. The zero-emissions solution could connect Tokyo and Osaka by 2034. Why? Japan’s population is shrinking so quickly that they’re running out of truck drivers to deliver packages.

180 to 240 milligrams

Of caffeine in Starbucks’ new iced energy drinks. Fruity flavors like Melon Burst and Tropical Citrus are a hit with teens and have as much caffeine as six Cokes. Panera recalled its Charged Lemonade this year after drinking one allegedly sent a kid into cardiac arrest. Warn your Starbucks-loving teens.


You might think electric cars are new. Nope! Who gets credit for inventing the first electric vehicle? This is a tough one. Was it … A.) Thomas Edison in 1893, B.) Nikola Tesla in 1923, C.) Thomas Davenport in 1834 or D.) Karl Benz in 1941?

Find the answer here!