Mac alert

🚨 Mac alert: Hackers are rigging search results with fake ads for the hot, new Arc browser. Clicking leads you to a copycat site that hosts a malicious DMG file. (Do not go there, folks.) It sneaks past macOS security to steal your passwords and files. The legit Arc browser URL is Stay aware!

Tags: ads, files, hackers, Mac, Passwords, search results, security, steal

Blast from the past

The classic puzzle game Minesweeper is now on Netflix. This colorful, reimagined version features an ocean-like setting where you find underwater mines in locations around the world. No in-game ads, no in-app purchases and no extra cost to play.

87% variation

In Chipotle bowl portions, depending on location. Finally, proof cranky Chipotle workers might be shorting you on barbacoa! Analysts weighed 75 identical bowls from eight Chipotle locations in NYC. The heaviest weighed almost twice as much as the lightest one. Oh, and all burritos are burrito-ful!

Brand-spankin' new: Kim's national radio show as a podcast

You can catch it in your favorite podcast app for free — or pay a few bucks to listen commercial free. Score!

Don't trust ANYONE

There’s a classic theft tactic making the rounds once again. If someone approaches you with an “emergency” and asks to borrow your phone, don’t do it. I’ll explain why.

42% of web traffic

Is generated by bots. And 65% of those are for shady stuff like spying on competition, hoarding inventory and making lookalike phishing sites. There are no laws to protect businesses or consumers against the bot army.

53% of kids under 12

Remember ads they’ve seen on YouTube better than ads watched on any other platform. That’s two times better than TV ads! Even crazier, 60% of teens watch the full ads on YouTube instead of skipping. You can thank Google’s world-class ad targeting.

$32,000 to move

To the region of Tuscany in central Italy. That is, as long as you’re willing to live in a town with fewer than 5,000 people. Tuscan officials started a $3 million fund to combat a shrinking population in the countryside. Apply on their site by July 27. Buona fortuna!

NO returns on Cybertrucks

You better really want a Cybertruck because there’s no going back after you buy one.

soren.iverson via

Only if you let me control the radio.


What one 11-year-old makes doing bike stunts on YouTube. Local police and some neighbors aren’t impressed with little Alex Santacroce, aka Oneway Lilman. One neighbor even sued, and the boy’s dad pleaded guilty to “allowing a child to illegally operate a bicycle.”