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Sam wants your repair shop to sing

Sam wants your repair shop to sing: Samsung is asking independent phone repair shops to pass along your name and contact details if you’ve used their services on your Samsung device. If that shop discovers any aftermarket parts in your phone, Samsung asks that they “immediately disassemble” (destroy) your device.

Tags: details, device, phone, repair, Samsung, services

🛑 Free malware with purchase: Android TV boxes promising free streaming “forever” are filled with malware and marketed online like they’re from Google. They’re not. TV shopping? Look for the words “Android TV OS,” not just “Android TV.”


A good share of people 65-plus are curious about new technology, not overwhelmed by it. What percent? Is it … A.) 40%, B.) 50%, C.) 60% or D.) 70%?

Find the answer here!

75% of weddings

In 2024 will be phone-free. Unplugged weddings fix that problem of everyone looking at the ceremony through their cam and ruining expensive professional pics. Smart.


Someone leaked a shot from the new Captain America movie and Marvel is ticked — they’ve filed a subpoena to get the poster’s identity. Which platform are they going after? Is it … A.) Facebook, B.) Reddit, C.) TikTok or D.) Instagram?

Find the answer here!

$100 million

In narcotics trafficked on the dark web by a 23-year-old. Authorities finally bagged the Taiwanese kingpin, Rui-Siang Lin. Over four years, he sold up to $5 million in illegal drugs every month on his site, Incognito Market. For reference, the guy who created the Silk Road was 29 when the feds caught him. He’s serving two lifetimes in prison.

$16,000 price tag

For a 4-foot-tall robot. A “humanoid agent AI avatar,” to be exact. Chinese robotics company Unitree’s latest model can walk, run, lift about four pounds and … uh, that’s about it. When is two hours not long? When we’re talking about this robot’s battery dying instead of the duration of something else in your life.


How many minutes of ads are shown per hour of traditional TV? Is it … A.) 8 minutes, B.) 10 minutes, C.) 12 minutes or D.) 14 minutes?

21% less likely

You’ll experience osteoarthritis if you ride a bike instead of walking. Life is wheelie good, because this healthy habit can significantly reduce knee pain and even help you live longer … and not be two‑tired.

30% decrease

In software development jobs out there. That’s compared to pre-pandemic numbers (paywall link). Tech companies have slowed hiring way down, and now AI jobs are what’s in demand. Tell anyone in college or looking for a new career.

1,600% increase

In power costs in Texas. Things are bigger in Texas, but that’s nuts. Hotter temperatures are sending energy prices soaring (paywall link). Here’s how to lower your bills.