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Don’t buy this now

Don’t buy this now: Google’s just announced six new Chromebooks, including their AI-enabled Chromebook Plus line. With a Chromebook Plus laptop, you’ll get AI wallpapers, an AI text and photo editor, and Google’s Gemini AI assistant built in for as low as $429. Not bad, but I wouldn’t shell out for a first-gen AI laptop. They’ll only get better.

Tags: AI, Chromebook, Chromebooks, Gemini, Google, laptop, new, text

Your data: It’s all posted online - But there's a simple way to remove it

A loyal reader, Racquel, emailed me recently after dealing with a very angry customer at work. “Last week, she left me a voicemail and said that I was behind all her problems and she was ‘going to find’ where I lived.” 

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Big Tech is tracking your emails

I have three different work email addresses — and a Gmail address I set up when it launched in 2004. I could never score the handle again today, but after 20 years, that inbox is a mess.

It’s become my disposable email address for coupon codes, free signups and newsletters — pretty much, the nonessential things in my digital life.

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Allowing specific calls while on Do Not Disturb

Do Not Disturb keeps calls and texts from bugging you, but what if there’s a person or two you want to get through any time? Here’s how to flag important contacts and silence the rest.


Which movie holds the record for the most expensive sealed, original VHS tape ever sold? Is it … A.) “The Goonies,” B.) “Back to the Future,” C.) “E.T.” or D.) “Ghostbusters”?

Find the answer here!

0.305 seconds

For a Mitsubishi Electric robot to solve a Rubik’s Cube. For context, 0.3 seconds is about the blink of an eye. The bot record is 10 times faster than the best-ever human time of 3.13 seconds.

How to set emergency contacts for iPhone

I hope you never need to use them, but everyone should set up emergency contacts. I’ll walk you through the process. It only takes a minute!

2-plus hours

Time per day the average person spends “dreamscrolling.” This is when someone’s looking at things online they can’t afford and want to own someday. That time-suck works out to an average of 36 days of “dreamscrolling” a year. I can think of 50 better uses for my time.

$745 million

The price for a top-secret Air Force B‑21 Raider. The U.S. nuclear bomber came out of stealth for its first flight test in late May 2024. It’s designed to be “virtually invisible” to enemy radar, and it pretty much looks like a UFO with wings. Trust me, you’re gonna wanna see this.

$210 a pair

For fancy jeggings, or leggings that look like jeans. Yep, denim sweatpants are the latest Gen Z fashion trend, and high-end brands are selling them for $120 to $250 a pair. You can get ‘em for way less on Amazon, of course, if you have to own a pair.

We may receive a commission when you buy through our links, but our reporting and recommendations are always independent and objective.

18 years old

The age of Kabosu, the “doge” that inspired a cryptocurrency. The beloved Shiba Inu pup passed away in May 2024, leaving millions of internet fans to mourn her — and, at its peak, a $90 billion dogecoin empire as her legacy. In the aftermath of FTX, the price of dogecoin has fallen nearly 400%, but Kabosu lives on in the big Coinbase in the sky.