Cable confessions

💸 Cable confessions: The FCC is cracking down on cable and satellite companies. Say goodbye to hidden fees in your bill — now, they must tell you the total cost upfront. Goodbye forever, “broadcast subscription” and “regional sports assessments” fine print. Check your cable bill for any refunds.

Tags: cable, companies

Why now is the time to revisit your cord cutting options

I did the math. I’m paying $83 more a month now to watch TV than I did when I was paying for cable. Is it worth it? I do like the convenience of not being tied to a grid, and many of the original shows are terrific. Speaking of, I just finished watching “Masters of the Air.” You def need to watch that on Apple TV+.

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How many pints of Guinness are expected to be consumed worldwide on St. Patrick’s Day? Is it … A.) 1 billion, B.) 13 million, C.) 4 million or D.) 50 million?

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100 days underwater might be the fountain of youth

A scientist and retired Navy diver says, according to before and after tests, he de-aged 20 years. The theory is that the high-pressure environment reverses aging at a cellular level. Undersea spa, anyone?

Forget it, I beg of you

You once had a weird rash, and now it’s haunting your search history. Or maybe you looked up a tutorial to fix the dishwasher … and YouTube won’t stop recommending more fix-it vids.

Next time, search in Incognito mode from your phone. Here’s how:

  • Open the YouTube app.
  • Tap your profile picture in the top right of the screen, then tap Turn on Incognito.

FYI, this feature only works when you’re signed in to the YouTube app. It prevents your watch history, searches and other activities from being saved to your profile.

97% less code needed to train this AI model

This behemoth has a new super-chip and 4 trillion transistors (that’s a lot!). If you thought tech was moving fast, wait till gear like this is in production.

27% commission paid to Apple on apps

That’s even when you pay outside of the App Store. Fortnite maker Epic says Apple is violating a court injunction with this move. Why such a big deal? Consumers spent $89.3 billion in the App Store in 2023. Holy moly.


Some underground indie labels are releasing music exclusively on which of these old-school physical formats? Is it the … A.) Floppy disk, B.) 8-track, C.) MiniDisc or D.) USB flash drive?

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60% of site traffic could disappear thanks to Google’s Gen AI Search

Alarming stuff for anyone who relies on search traffic to make money. Expect a lot of sites to shut down. Consider subscribing to publications you want to stick around. A great place to start: Support our work by joining the Komando Community. Thank you!

$1.3B lost to scammers impersonating government or tech support

That’s up sevenfold since 2019. People like to think scams are an “older” person’s problem, but only 40% of those scammed are over the age of 60. We all have to be on guard.

You forgot your password again

Before you hit “Forgot password,” check if the password is hidden on your computer. Your best bet is your web browser’s list of saved passwords.

On Google Chrome:

  • Click the three-dot icon in the upper-right corner, then Settings.
  • Click Autofill and passwords from the left-hand panel, followed by Google Password Manager.
  • Scroll through your list of saved accounts until you find the one you’re looking for. Click the eye icon to make the password visible. You’ll need to enter your system credentials to verify it’s you.

On Apple Safari:

  • Click Safari from the menu bar at the top of the screen, then Preferences > Passwords.
  • Enter your system password if needed, then scroll the list till you find it. Click the three-dot icon to make it visible.