500 pet photos

Just got beamed into space by NASA. They’re testing a fast, new data link between Earth and the International Space Station. The data travels at 1.2 gigabits per second, which is probably faster than your home internet. Don’t stop retrievin’!

Tags: home, internet, photos, space

Block porn on X

The social network X (I still think of it as Twitter) has always had its seedier corners, but now Elon Musk has officially said porn is OK on the platform. And to keep your, uh, activity private, they’re now hiding likes, too. Coincidence? Yeah, I don’t think so.

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AI is stealing your voice from the internet

It’s easier than ever to copy a real human voice. Just think about all the harm that could cause. Scary stuff, folks. Pro tip: Set all your online accounts to private.

📍 Never lost in conversation: You don’t need to know the exact name of something anymore to find it in Google Maps. Search for general terms, like “plants and trees,” “frame shop” or “dog park,” and Google will find you spots that match.


In 2001, DVD sales surpassed VHS sales for the first time. But what was the very first movie released on DVD? Was it … A.) “Jurassic Park,” B.) “Independence Day,” C.) “Twister” or D.) “Batman”?

Find the answer here!

Do you know a kid obsessed with Roblox?

Roblox is adding paid billboard ads within the game, making it the largest playground for product pushing. Do you think kids have selective vision when their game is covered in ads?

💊 CVS recall: Over the past decade, CVS has pulled 133 over-the-counter meds of its own in-store brand off the shelves. From bacteria infestations to moldy factory vents and even incorrect dosing, the recall reasons vary. The top offenders are eye drops, cough medicines and constipation treatments. Check your house for any.

Use your inside voice: SoftBank Corp. had a big problem, with its customer service employees stressed out from getting yelled at. So, the company created AI that turns angry voices into calm ones. The software lowers the pitch of customers’ voices and slows down angry rambling. The actual words stay the same. Genius.

Don’t park your Kia in the garage: A North Carolina driver barely escaped her Kia after she heard a loud pop, then it burst into flames. The car was among 1.7 million recalled last September. The antilock brake system can leak fluid and cause electrical shorts. Some nine months later, repair parts are still MIA.

Nice one for YouTubers: The new Thumbnail Test & Compare lets YouTube creators publish a new video (or update an existing one) and show three thumbnails evenly across viewers. You’ll get back data about which one drew the most watch time and engagement. Fun fact: Mr. Beast spends up to $10,000 per thumbnail to get them just right.

🚨 Security breach: A hacker infiltrated tracking company Tile, stealing customers’ names, physical addresses, emails and phone numbers. The bad guys even got into tools that process location data for law enforcement agencies. Instead of paying the hacker off, Tile disabled the login credentials.