Channel bundling is back

Open/download audio

Major streaming services are banding together. Here’s what that means for your subscription fees.

Tags: channel, download, services, streaming, streaming services, subscription

AI update: OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4o, Google Gemini 1.5 Pro and Claude iPhone app

It was a big week in the world of AI. Both Google and OpenAI released major updates. You know I’ve got your back. I cut through their marketing-speak to decipher what these updates actually mean for you and me. 

Google’s AI, Gemini 1.5 Pro, will handle tons of data. Need to summarize 1,500 pages of text? No problem. It’s pretty nuts.

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Big moves for accessibility: Apple’s new assistive features include built-in eye tracking (navigate apps and select items just by looking at them), vocal shortcuts, music haptics and CarPlay changes, such as larger text and sound recognition for honks.

The big 4-0

Mark Zuckerberg celebrated turning 40 on his new $300 million superyacht. The 387-foot-long vessel, “Launchpad,” is the big boat. A smaller yacht behind it carries his staff and toys. All this and he still can’t figure out how young girls won’t get DM’d by creeps on Instagram.

People in Iran are scared of spiders. But in Iraq, no phobia. (Get it? Arachnophobia? Oh, tough crowd today!)

How to find and stop hidden fees

When I’m booking air travel, it seems like the price goes up with every click. By the time I pay to check a bag or two, that “great deal” isn’t looking so, well, great

So of course airlines are fighting the Biden administration’s “junk fees’” rule, which would make them show their fees upfront for checking bags, carrying on a bag, and changing or canceling a reservation. 

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📧 AI coming to Gmail inboxes: Soon, a “smart assistant” will summarize email threads and suggest responses. A Q&A tool (powered by Gemini) will dig through your emails to answer questions like, “I got three bids for a new roof. Which one is the best?” Once it’s live for everyone, I’ll show you how to use it.

1 year cancer-free

For an Australian doc who received a terminal diagnosis. Richard Scolyer is alive thanks to the revolutionary treatment he created. Amazing, right?

$700 CyberHammer

From Tesla is already sold out. Remember when Elon accidentally broke the window of a Cybertruck on stage? Yeah, it’s modeled after the same sledgehammer. They say it’s for gym use or display purposes only.

You have to be smarter than this: Over 10% of people still use 1234 as their four-digit PIN. Other most-used options include 1111, 0000, 1212 and 7777. If this is you, time for something more complex — and no, your birth year or address won’t cut it. On iPhone, upgrade to six digits. On Android, stick with your fingerprint if your phone has biometrics.

Between a rock and a creeper: A family in Southern California found a camera disguised as a rock pointed at their home. Footage showed the scooter-riding culprit planting it — while wearing garden gloves and a motorbike helmet. Theories range from someone casing their house for a burglary (or worse) to someone trying to watch the family’s kids walking home from school. Scary.