Bonus episode: The Kim Komando Show, April 13

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A new tech ban is coming, this time it targets Russia. Trade your data for money? I tell you the real cost of cash-incentive offers (it’s not pretty). True crime lovers — here’s a side hustle you won’t want to miss. Plus, a gal wonders if her Roomba records her. Creepy! 

Tags: ban, cash, cost, crime, data, download, episode, i, Kim, Kim Komando, Kim Komando Show, Komando, Komando Show, money, new, new tech, offers, open, Plus, Real, records, Roomba, Russia, side hustle, T, tech, time

Was your health data hacked? Check now

You’re sick, so you go to the doctor. Bad news: You need surgery. Worse news: Your insurance won’t cover it; they say you’ve already had two procedures this year. But that’s impossible — you never even went to the doctor!

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What’s the wingspan of the RQ-4 Global Hawk, our military’s biggest unmanned drone? Is it A.) 50 feet, B.) 89 feet, C.) 117 feet or D.) 131 feet? (Hint: The wingspan of an F-16 is about 31 feet.)

Find the answer here

The world’s first billboard that literally emits the mouthwatering aroma of McDonald’s french fries is increasing sales in the Netherlands. The billboard is about 650 feet away from the restaurant. I’m just waiting for the day they come out with a sandwich called “The McJagger.”

$850 for a “Star Wars” Millennium Falcon Lego brick set

Guess it wasn’t a pandemic fad after all … Since launching adult sets in 2020, Lego has doubled its over-18 offerings to include fan favorites like an $899 Titanic set and a $469 Hogwarts set. There’s even a name for the diehards: AFOL, or Adult Fans of Legos. I’m more of an AFON myself — Adult Fan of Napping.

🤠 Did you hear about the guy on the Oregon Trail who was shot for insulting the leader of his wagon train? He died from dissin’ Terry. (Oh, that was a good one!)

Western Digital announced they’ll be shipping a 4TB SD card next year. That one little card will hold 41 million Word docs, 820,000 photos or 5,800 movies. No price yet. Dang, I remember when a 3.5-inch floppy disk was state-of-the-art!

😨 School alarms: A 13-year-old girl accepted a friend request on TikTok from a classmate … who then grabbed a pic of her face, put it on a nude body using AI software and shared the images with groups of guys. If I had a young child, they wouldn’t be on social media until college. The NY Times (paywall link) has a great read about this epidemic.

750,000 robots replacing 100,000 humans in Amazon warehouses

Amazon says robots like Digit, a 5-foot-9-inch humanoid bot that walks and lifts boxes, will work alongside employees, not replace them. But Amazon continues to cut down its human headcount.

$1 for a house

If you’re willing to buy on a boarded-up block. Baltimore is selling close to 1,000 abandoned homes for pennies. They’ll even throw in $50,000 for repairs. One caveat: Most homes are far from liveable, so you’ll need at least $90,000 in assets for renovations to qualify. Oh, and the block you buy a house on might look like this.

Take a hard pass: The FBI is seeing a surge in folks falling for texts claiming they owe road tolls with a link to pay up to fake state toll sites. It’s a new scam — don’t fall for it.