The Difference Between Tornado Watches And Tornado Warnings

Good Morning East Texas Katie Vossler has a delicious example.
Published: Mar. 19, 2019 at 4:57 PM CDT|Updated: Feb. 21, 2023 at 3:11 PM CST

Tornado Watch:

  • The National Weather Service believes conditions are favorable for a tornado to develop.
  • The sky may be blue at the time you hear the watch, but don't be fooled. Be prepared for the possibility of a tornado in your area and watch KLTV 7 for the latest updates.

Tornado Warning:

  • A tornado has been indicated on radar or has been reported on the ground.
  • Dark clouds boil in the sky. There may be thunder, lightning, and heavy rain.
  • Also, there may be hail. When you see large hail, you may be close to a tornado. Seek shelter in a sturdy building, away from windows.
  • Stay away from anything that uses electricity.
  • Stay away from anything metal- faucets, radiators, sinks and tubs.

READ MORE: Tornado safety

Tornadoes can be scary. They pack a lot of energy, enough to blow down a whole town...but you can live through a tornado. Don’t panic. Be smart, know what to do and simply do it.