A Better East Texas: Independence Day

Today, we have folks, individuals, communities that trash the American system - the very system that respects their right to protest.
Published: Jul. 4, 2024 at 12:59 PM CDT

TYLER, Texas (KLTV) - The past decade or so could be described as the “rise of protests and demonstrations decade.”

Americans have the right to express themselves publicly with little boundaries. And we have certainly seen the mobilization of hundreds of thousands, even millions of people getting involved.

It is also trendy for some to bash the American systems and American patriotic culture. Some see the system as just wrong and punitive and they criticize capitalism. But as we have celebrated July 4th festivities, lets step back just a bit to see if the criticism is justified.

The battle for American independence was born out of communities being persecuted, taxed and unfairly treated. So many left their homes to seek what they saw as a brighter future. These were the colonists that founded America.

It wasn’t very clean and it wasn’t perfect - just a quest to form a “more perfect union.” And they largely succeeded. But today, we have folks, individuals, communities that trash the American system - the very system that respects their right to protest - the very unique system that is unlike most in the world.

Sure, we can still change - some would say evolve - but it should be a forward-looking posture, not one that villainizes what we are, especially when what we are provides protections for voices to be heard.

So, the next time groups and individuals mobilize for change, let them do it with respect that America is unique, special and deserves some reverence - and that will make for a Better East Texas.