A Better East Texas: Campus protests pose danger to education

We have been witnessing a continual surge in anti-Israeli protests at dozens of high-profile college campuses.
Published: May. 9, 2024 at 10:41 AM CDT

TYLER, Texas (KLTV) - We have been witnessing a continual surge in anti-Israeli protests at dozens of high-profile college campuses.

Protestors are partaking in everything from building occupations to hunger strikes to make the point that they want universities to separate from any pro-Israeli business agreements. We’ve discussed that here in this forum, and the students and professors do have the right to do that under the freedom of assembly and freedom of speech.

But so many of these protests have become threatening and destructive to property that is past time to end them. President Biden has been hesitant to condemn the escalation in violence in these protests and it has emboldened many of the demonstrators. While every campus has dealt with these a little differently, the university systems in Texas have shown no tolerance for antisemitic rhetoric and behavior. And it worked.

President Biden’s administration should learn from the Texas example – you can have a voice in protest, but you can’t injure, threaten or destroy. It seems that the colleges that have had the most turmoil have faculty members right there in the middle of the protest rallies.

Again, these folks need to be removed because they are often spewing hate and encouraging the front-line protestors. It is despicable that graduations have been cancelled as it could have been avoided with adherence to policy from the beginning.

One student protestor did not want to show her face out of fear of her family would recognize her. That alone says so much. She fears her family more than she respects her college.