A Better East Texas: Broadcast interruptions during severe weather

We must stay on until the threat is gone and we legally can’t do a split screen as some suggest.
Published: May. 2, 2024 at 12:04 PM CDT

TYLER, Texas (KLTV) - It has been a while since we experienced disruptive weather during a high interest television viewing time.

Recently, East Texas was in the bullseye for severe weather and the timing was during some high interest programming.  When storms hit our area during that kind of programming, the impact is felt in many different ways. As a TV station licensed to serve East Texas, we are obligated to deliver vital information when severe, disruptive weather hits, regardless of if it is at 5 p.m. or 5 a.m.

Our team is always ready. I have to thank our team members’ commitment to their craft which is really a commitment to each of us to provide property-saving and even life-saving information. When severe weather is present, we must interrupt programming.

The decision is not made lightly, and we receive compliments and complaints anytime it happens. Usually, compliments arrive from those that are in the storm’s path – who took safety directions to heart. And we have local managers and other personnel right here in East Texas that make these decisions.

We must stay on until the threat is gone and we legally can’t do a split screen as some suggest. Finally, anytime we interrupt programming, it costs us advertising revenue. So, it is nothing we relish or get excited about, it is our responsibility. No other local media does this like television.

Hopefully that outlines some of the dynamics that are present when weather threatens. We’ve been doing this for 70 years and I truly hope you will allow us 70 more.