Pittsburg ISD approves calling $93.8 million bond after previous failed election

Pittsburg ISD approves calling $93.8 million bond after previous failed election
Published: Apr. 18, 2024 at 11:18 PM CDT|Updated: Apr. 18, 2024 at 11:20 PM CDT

PITTSBURG, Texas (KLTV) - After last year’s failed election, Pittsburg ISD has repackaged the bond--where voters will decide between two propositions, or vote for both for $93.8 million.

“We went back to the community and you know we obviously, we still have needs that we need to address and we want to listen to the community,” said Superintendent Terry Waldrep about calling for another bond.

Proposition A is $74.4 million. A brand new high school would be built. Plus, a bus road would be added to connect the other campuses. Safety and security improvements would be made as the current campus has multiple buildings and exterior doors.

“It would put everything more in proximity to each other so the students will be in a more self-contained building. It’s easier to monitor,” said Waldrep.

Fencing would also be built around the campus.

Proposition B is $19.4 million and would address the Junior High. Gates would be added around, sixth grade would move over to the Junior High from the Intermediate campus, and a new cafeteria would be constructed.

Waldrep said, “The current cafeteria which is in the middle of this wing and would be reconstructed for new classrooms and a life skills unit. And then the sixth grade wing would be added on to the end in the back of the Junior High.”

The tax impact would be $16.4858 more per month for a home valued at $99,763 if proposition A passes.

For proposition B, the impact would be $4.2981 more per month for a home valued at $99,763.

If voters approve the total $93.8 million dollar bond, the impact would be $20.78939 per month for a home valued at $99,763.

“I think it’s also important for our district to have a long range plan, a vision of where we’re headed, not just 10 years from now but 30, 40 years down the road.”

Early voting begins Monday April 22 and ends April 30. Election day is Saturday, May 4.

For more information about the Pittsburg ISD 2024 bond, click here.