A Better East Texas - Haiti Needs Action

Unrest in Haiti continues to grow and this mess needs to be addressed before it gets worse.
Published: Mar. 21, 2024 at 2:08 PM CDT

TYLER, Texas (KLTV) - Unrest in Haiti continues to grow and this mess needs to be addressed before it gets worse. Haiti is an island country in this hemisphere. It used to be a destination for cruise ships. But now the country is embroiled in a power vacuum that is disintegrating. Gangs are gradually taking over the capital city and a humanitarian crisis is forming. So, why is this such a concern? First of all, there are Americans in Haiti that need to get out. Evacuations by the U-S government have been slow to start. Next, Haiti is in our hemisphere and if the U-S doesn’t step in, someone will. And with Haiti’s location being only 800 miles from Florida, we don’t need any of our global rivals setting up shop. So, currently, the issue is mainly the gangs with small arms and machetes. We need to make certain that Haitian national sovereignty is preserved, but we also need to prevent sophisticated weapons getting into the country. It will mean humanitarian aid and organization to assist in resetting the Haitian government. And it will mean getting our citizens out. This is the just the latest in slow or no responses by our government in situations that, if addressed sooner than later, could likely be managed. Think Afghanistan. Think border crisis. The world is getting smaller we need to embrace the position of Ronald Reagan, now more than ever – “Peace through strength”. It doesn’t mean that we are bullies, but we must acknowledge needs and then act – and that will make for a Better East Texas.