A Better East Texas: Cyber Attacks

There was a time, not too long ago when geographic boundaries like oceans and frozen tundra separated countries. But that time has passed.
Published: Feb. 29, 2024 at 2:42 PM CST

EAST TEXAS (KLTV/KTRE) - There was a time, not too long ago when geographic boundaries like oceans and frozen tundra separated countries. But that time has passed. Especially with the digital age where every country of the world has some level of connectivity.

But with that connectivity, and lack of boundaries and strategic isolation, we are vulnerable. We have heard for years of other countries trying to break into government files and hack sensitive websites and strategic locations. But a recent report from the F-B-I cites that China is now going after small businesses and even individuals with the end game of causing crippling havoc and societal panic.

The targets are critical infrastructure that all businesses and individuals rely on. We are all familiar with cyber-hacks of personal information, but this most recent threat is unsettling. So, in the midst of our daily routines we must be vigilant not to click on unfamiliar links, be cautious with on-line searches and be skeptical of social media posts that look too good or bad to be true. We are vulnerable and the federal government seems almost helpless in fighting this level of attack.

So use strong passwords, multi-factor authentication when possible and keep your anti-virus software active and updated. If you are connected in any way, this is a responsibility that you must embrace. Otherwise, the question is not if China will be successful with a cyberattack, but when.

As always, keep your guard up, and that will make for a better East Texas.