A Better East Texas: Poor policy and unchecked crime

Cities - big cities - are finding themselves in a heap of trouble because of nothing more than bad planning and policy.
Published: Jan. 25, 2024 at 11:45 AM CST

TYLER, Texas (KLTV) - It seems like there are weekly headlines about major city crime and the impact it is having across the U-S. But few states have seen the impact more than California.

We discussed the challenge of crime in San Francisco before but now we are seeing the impacts of unchecked crime in Oakland, just 12 miles away from San Francisco. And the impact that is currently grabbing headlines is the closing of the In N Out Burger restaurant in Oakland.

What makes this a headline is that In N Out has never closed a location in 75 years of operation. Meaning, they have weathered some big storms, economic, social and others. But one storm that In N Out could not overcome is crime. Crime has gotten so bad in Oakland, that the restaurant is closing.

Company officials cited the danger to customers and employees as the reason. The location is still profitable, but it is not worth risking being a victim of crime to stay open. Oakland is a sanctuary city and like San Francisco, it must be paying the price for lax law enforcement and cuts to first responder’s budgets.

The latest results show that burglaries in Oakland were up 23 percent while car thefts increased 44 percent. And the mayor and city leadership can only dispute the statistics while developing no real plan to solve the issue. Cities - big cities - are finding themselves in a heap of trouble because of nothing more than bad planning and policy.

What these liberal cities are reaping is exactly what they have sown.