A Better East Texas: Political primary mudslinging

If we are honest with ourselves, in many cases, it is hard to identify what the specific candidates plans are, if elected.
Published: Jan. 11, 2024 at 2:08 PM CST

EAST TEXAS (KLTV/KTRE) - The political primaries are within sight and Texas will be participating in Super Tuesday on March 5th. Hopefully you are planning on voting. If you are then you probably have an idea of who you will be voting for.

The past months and even years in some cases have formed our images of the candidates.

But sadly, much of this campaign has been waged through a few debates on the Republican side and through a sparse effort in campaigning on the Democratic side.

If we are honest with ourselves, in many cases, it is hard to identify what the specific candidates plans are, if elected.

Most of what we have heard are attacks directed towards other candidates or the other party faithful. Ultimately, sadly, this campaign has been more about fear and baiting than about substance and true plans for our country.

The Republicans are eating their own and President Biden is largely a no-show on anything of substance on the campaign trail. A deeper look into the candidates’ websites yield some platform and priority info but even that is hard to separate from the political venom most display. The websites are more about generating donations than what the candidates are about. And maybe that’s what they’re about.

So our decisions are made largely by the influx of soundbites and attack statements which tell volumes about the state of political affairs in our country.

We need candidates that focus on the work to do, with specific plans, and less mudslinging and that will make for A Better East Texas.