A Better East Texas: Character on display

Regardless of the application, the test of character impacts all of us – at different times, in different situations.
Published: Dec. 6, 2023 at 4:21 PM CST

TYLER, Texas (KLTV) - It has been said that character is what you are when no one is watching. I saw another take on this that proclaimed character is what you do when everyone is watching.

Regardless of the application, the test of character impacts all of us – at different times, in different situations. And, let’s face it, people are flawed. We can all probably remember incidents where we wish we had acted differently. But when high profile folks are on display because of their character, it often seems that personal responsibility is nowhere around.

Take the recent expulsion of former Congressman George Santos, who is facing a litany of charges but has refused to take responsibility for any missteps or admit he was wrong. Actress Felicity Huffman who served 14 days, was fined and had to partake in community service work for her role in the college admission scandal is another example.

Huffman paid fifteen thousand dollars to essentially purchase a false S-A-T score for her daughter. She acknowledged she knew she was breaking the law but really seemed not to have any regrets. We also have many of the leaders and wannabe leaders of our country that seem to have character issues as well. In the end, the high-profile examples of character for us and for our families are fleeting.

So, the character example must start with us as individuals and then, hopefully, those examples spread to our circles of influence. It is an expectation and a responsibility and will hopefully make for a Better East Texas.