COVID-19, flu vaccines may cause small increase in stroke risk among elderly, study says

FILE - A person is shown getting a vaccine. A study found a small risk of stroke among those...
FILE - A person is shown getting a vaccine. A study found a small risk of stroke among those 85 and older when getting COVID and flu vaccines.(Source: CNN/Pool/file)
Published: Oct. 26, 2023 at 6:58 AM CDT

(CNN) - A study released by the Food and Drug Administration found that flu and COVID-19 vaccines may slightly increase the risk of stroke in seniors caused by blood clots in the brain, in particular when the two shots were administered at the same time.

FDA researchers analyzed data from Medicare claims and found that the increase happened in adults who are 85 and older.

This is the second study to find that COVID-19 and flu shots given together put seniors at a higher risk for stroke.

There are three cases for every 100,000 doses given.

The high dose flu vaccine, which is designed to rev up the immune system, was found to be the culprit in these results.

For those who are concerned, researchers suggest receiving the shots at different times.