A Better East Texas: Propaganda wars

Published: Oct. 25, 2023 at 11:50 AM CDT

EAST TEXAS (KLTV/KTRE) - As the tragic violence continues in the Middle East and the conflict between Israel and Hamas takes a growing human toll everyday, there is another war that is being waged that hits across the world. That is the propaganda war that has come alongside the events in Gaza.

Still images, video and the written word have been used to flood social media across the globe with some of the posts being manipulated, falsely labeled, and otherwise edited in an effort to gin up hate or inspire violence against the entities involved – especially Israel.

In the U.S., we are seeing the effects as well as antisemitism has been on the rise and the propaganda war is fueling it. A student group at Harvard issued a statement condemning Israel and blaming the Israelis for “all of the unfolding violence” in the conflict.

And while these students have a right to free speech, there can and in this case is a dividend when that free speech includes antisemitic content.

Several U.S. company CEO’s have demanded the names of the students that signed on in support of the statement. The CEOs were adamant about their companies never hiring the students.

Several students have since removed their names and some have blamed ignorance and naivety on the initial support of the statement.

But this goes back to propaganda having an impact and misinforming on the truth of this Israeli-Hamas war.

It is a warning for us all to be cautious with the media we consume and confirm it always from multiple reliable sources.