A Better East Texas: High-profile political trials

This will be a September to remember if you are a trial junky with two high profile cases grabbing headlines for the weeks ahead.
Published: Aug. 31, 2023 at 11:30 AM CDT

TYLER, Texas (KLTV) - This will be a September to remember if you are a trial junky with two high profile cases grabbing headlines for the weeks ahead.

It is impossible to miss the daily updates on former president Donald Trump’s multiple pending trials. The pre-trial jockeying on all sides is already a circus. And now we have the trial of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton which is heating up the headlines in our state.

While the jury for the Paxton trial – the state senators of Texas – have been placed under a gag order, there is a load of turbulence already swirling. In fact, at least one political group has purchased advertising time on TV to put pressure on senators to vote to dismiss the trial.

As Texans, no one should relish in this situation and while the state will need to show the evidence and make the case against Paxton, he is due his day in court. What is sad is that there is all this added drama that will result in misinformation from all sides, leaving Texans’ heads spinning on what is truly going on and what truly happened in this case.

Much like the cases against Trump, we must sort through the propaganda, find sources that confirm or corroborate what is being said, or better yet, take the time to see the process firsthand. Don’t blindly take someone’s interpretation of what happens – it is fine to trust, but do verify and draw your own conclusions. And that will make for a Better East Texas.