A Better East Texas: Vacation spending

Many of us as choosing to take on more consumer debt to fund travel experiences, which is a dangerous practice and will, no doubt, negatively impact some.
Published: Aug. 10, 2023 at 12:03 PM CDT

TYLER, Texas (KLTV/KTRE) - We’ve all heard the saying – Do as I say, not as I do. It is pretty self-explanatory. But after talking about how hot it is in Texas, discussion among friends usually migrates to the cost of everyday items.

We complain about inflation on consumer goods from food to gas, to clothing. Interest rates continue to fluctuate but they are certainly up compared to recant years. So, the cost of just about everything is up. And we complain about it. And it costs us all more to operate our households. But. Americans seem to have an unquenchable hunger to travel and spend big on it.

I’ve seen two surveys from this year that concluded that between 43 percent and 62 percent of Americans are planning to spend more on travel that they did in 20-22. Some of these jaunts are big travel experiences costing thousands of dollars. So, something has to give – we are spending more on the basics, but we love our travel experiences.

The issue is that many of us as choosing to take on more consumer debt to fund these travel experiences which is a dangerous practice and will, no doubt, negatively impact some. If you have the disposable income, then good for you. If not, start planning but perhaps think twice about taking out a loan to travel.

And remember that Texas and East Texas have so many hidden gems of experiences that a local vacation can be a real discovery and preserve a little change in the bank account and that will make for a Better East Texas.