A Better East Texas: No strike

In the post-pandemic economy, few systems that were in place prior to the pandemic have emerged from the pandemic in the same condition.
Published: Jul. 20, 2023 at 12:40 PM CDT

TYLER, Texas (KLTV) - In the post-pandemic economy, few systems that were in place prior to the pandemic have emerged from the pandemic in the same condition. Certainly, consumer retail purchasing habits have changed as more and more purchases are made online. That move was already in motion, but the pandemic accelerated it.

So, there are new habits and practices that have established new supply chain demands. We’ve seen that recently, as well. But now, there is something looming that may disrupt a fragile economy, and it needs to be avoided. That is a potential strike by UPS workers across the nation.

If it happens, more than 300,000 workers will walk off the job, and roughly 30 percent of the nation’s package delivery system will be at risk. It is a no-win, and the American people and businesses are the most likely to suffer. Strikes in the entertainment industry have impacted businesses large and small on both the west and east coast but a UPS strike will be the largest against a single employer in US history. Big impact.

While it is easy to vilify the company with record profits taking place, there are no guarantees that it will continue, so a plan to preserve the success, long-term, needs to be part of the negotiation, not just a short-term windfall that could evaporate. And, workers’ demands need to be respected but not at the expense of wiping out the ability to be successful in the future. In a strike, no one wins, so it must be avoided, and that will make for a Better East Texas.