A Better East Texas: Student loans

The Supreme Court recently struck down an executive order to provide repayment relief for millions of Americans.
Published: Jul. 6, 2023 at 2:19 PM CDT

EAST TEXAS (KLTV/KTRE) - The Supreme Court recently struck down an executive order to provide repayment relief for millions of Americans.

While this would certainly have impacted a lot of people, as a country, we cannot just wipe out personal debt that was voluntarily acquired with the full understanding it would have to be repaid. This was one of President Biden’s campaign promises and he cannot fulfill it without congressional action. This is just another promise by presidential candidates that will probably go unmet.

President Trump did the same thing when he pledged to have Mexico pay for the border wall. Well, American taxpayers were on the hook for that in the end. But in this case – the prosect of student loan forgiveness - Biden will trudge on to try to find a way to get at least of portion of student loans forgiven.

The repayment schedule for these loans was paused during the pandemic and now, even though there have been delays, the repayment requirement will start back up this fall. While it would be great to just be able to eliminate some of this debt with the stroke of a pen, it is the right thing to do to pay it back. This is a lesson for all of us that while easy credit or maxed out credit lines can give us some temporary relief, these situations may also mean that we need to reevaluate our spending habits. The same applies to America.

And while it may mean delayed gratification or even sacrifice, it is the right thing to do to stick to our word.